Logbook entry

I will miss them

04 Mar 2024Salmonea
So last week anti xeno initiative and others fellows destroyed 1st thargoid mothership in history. Everyone around me celebrated this event. People left their duties, common activities and filled clubs, bars and pubs. Last time when I saw so much enthusiasm it was before proteus wave launch. Whatever... I had to leave, wanted be alone. Few days passed and I have still mixed feelings. Maybe I am used to met thargoids in space more than humans. What if we will destroy completly their fleet in the bubble. What then? I have lot of credits, dont need to work several years... So what will be my purpose? Why I am so fucked up? Only one idea is still hunting me... one single idea making me calm. Go somewhere, stray in the void and...and...uuugrh! What the hell is wrong with me?!
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