Logbook entry

Parhelion task reassignment - OMS Ultimatum

17 Mar 2024Diedericque
The Parhelion carrier is currently designated to provide income and service to the Benelux Commanders. For most of its history the carrier was mainly stationed at the BNLC headquarters in HIP 36485 and more recently has been stationed around Zaonce, the main banking capitol of the Pilot Federation.
As of januari 3309, financial support by the Parhelion carrier has been conducted under the substitution and functional name 'Bank of Zaonce'.
This name is considered to be no longer suitable as:
  • the function of the carrier is insufficient/unsatisfactory as to what it was designated for;
  • the expense exceeds acceptable levels;
  • there are several carriers available to provide the same services;
  • the Benelux Commanders carrier already exists as of the 1st of May 3309 (Aanwijzing en instelling BNLC carrier).

It is agreed to rename the carrier based on the change of its function. As of januari 3310, statutes of the Benelux Commanders will be edited correspondingly. Still holding the institutional name Parhelion, the Parhelion carrier will hold the substitution and functional name 'OMS Ultimatum'.
This name is considered to be suitable as:
  • the new function will mostly be military-related;
  • the name is neutral and does not specify any typical feature of its (possible) performances;
  • the carrier will more often serve as 'multipurpose';
  • the carrier requires maintenance and upgrades based on the reassignment.

To reassign,

King Diedericque,
Admiral Diedericque,
Commander Diedericque,

by Imperial and Federal decree,


the Parhelion carrier
Bank of Zaonce, to
OMS Ultimatum, On Many Storms Ultimatum,

on the 17th of March 3310.

This decision could have impact on the carrier's services, but whether services may open more often or close, is for this moment not clear.
What is required to dock the Parhelion carrier OMS Ultimatum remains the same, but its position may change more often.
We therefor want to inform commanders that docking the carrier can be a risk. The carrier could provide service by means of exploration or mining, which requires the carrier to travel large distances in relatively short time windows.

Changes on the Parhelion carrier OMS Ultimatum include more luxurious residences, more recreational facilities, more firepower and more military-diplomatic capabilities.

For members of the Benelux Commanders squadron, it is important to note that FOBCS-related activities are now more often to be conducted on the Benelux Commanders carrier. Exceptions can be made by clearance from the carrier's administrator. Funds and rewards which were a part of FOBCS 3309 regulations can be collected until the 31th of December 3310. The related section will be added in FOBCS 3310 with retrospective effect from the 1st of January 3310. The Parhelion carrier will remain pledged to the Benelux Commanders.

Oserktomen, 17th March 3310,

- CMDR Diedericque -
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