Logbook entry

Spire Log 5 & Thargoid Titan Oya

20 Apr 2024DK-Ardok
It's about time I get into learning how to handle the Thargoid Titans. By now, my Alliance Chieftain is retired and decommissioned from service. She served me well. Now that I'm getting used to the Krait Mk II, my Alliance Challenger is my main fighter ship, as she is better armored and suited for combat. Tonight happened to be another Anti-Xeno night for me. CMDR Icepaw and myself ventured out with CMDR Lowflieger to take on the Thargoid Titan Oya. I have very little experience in combating the titans, but better late, than never. The most I've ever done in previous titans is observe and try to learn as much as possible. The most I ever did before trying out one for myself is try to use turrets. I found out real quick that being a gunner just is not for me and I feel a lot more comfortable being a pilot fighting the Thargoid Titans.

A few days ago, I actually tried to fight Oya with a wing of four. Two of us were experienced with fighting the Titan and two of us were not nearly as experienced. Unlike the other pilot, he grabbed the attention of every scout and interceptor within the radius of Oya. I had to suffer six rebuys. Did not gain any substantial credits and this run was not fun.

However, I did learn a lot from that run. Tonight, however, proved fruitful. It appears I was able to put everything I learned about piloting to use. Everything I've observed and kept mental note of finally put to application. Sure, I did not do as well as Icepaw and Lowflieger, but I saw results this time. I am relatively new to being a pilot and even I can do this. The experience was exciting and exhilarating. I still struggled, but nowhere near as bad as a few nights ago. Finally, everything I've learned is being put to use. Tonight's Titan run was very organized and well thought out. It may take more adjusting, but I think I'll eventually get the hang of handling the vents and core of the Thargoid Titans.

After our endeavor to pursue Oya became successful, we left and went after a Thargoid Spire. It was not nearly as chaotic as some ventures are. However, it was mostly organized and a wing of four handled ourselves very well. The Krait Mk II is a ship I'd recommend any pilot to use to fight with a Titan bomber configuration or a Thargoid Spire configuration.

Fighting Spires have proven lucrative. Never thought I'd actually grasp fighting Titans as quickly as I have. I have my friends and the Brutal Deluxe Squadron to thank for support.
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︎4 Shiny!

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