Logbook entry

Starlog #1 - Beginnings

24 Apr 2024Alyce2021
Starlog Data Entry #1

I've only just started getting on my feet as a Commander, and yet it seems things are moving incredibly quickly already. In the first couple weeks I've already upgraded my ship three times, pledged myself to a major power, and earned myself a rank in the Federal Navy. I've jumped between hundreds of systems and engaged in combat almost half that many times. Who knew getting my license would lead to such wonderful chaos?

And yet, even in all this action, there are still moments of slowness. Blissful minutes where I get to witness the beauty of our galaxy. The unbridled joy of flying between the stars faster than mankind once thought possible. It's all beneath my fingertips, and I relish every moment of it.

I've decided my first goal as a pilot is to visit Sol. It is where we originated, and so of course I wish to see where we've come from. A common goal for new pilots, I'm sure, but still a worthy one, I believe. It is important to know the world behind us if we wish to pave the path ahead.

That's all for now. Commander Alyce, signing off.
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