Logbook entry

Independent Pilots Sustaining Alien Life

12 May 2024Carthold Mnalguz
Pleiades Nebula, August 3308


Far away from LP 726-6, I stepped onto the bridge of the fleet carrier Xeno Initiative parked by a gas giant in Taygeta. Immediately I could feel eyes on me. I heard a pilot whisper to his friend, “ What the fuck is a federal doing here?” I quickened my pace to check in with the admin by the front desk. They immediately ushered me to the command bridge.

The sliding doors closed behind me as I entered the office. A female commander with blonde hair stood by the desk scowling at me with arms crossed. Their leader -REDACTED- sat at the desk facing away from me, looking at the large data screen. I took my seat, waiting for the tension in the room to break.

He finally swung around, “I'm told you're sympathetic to our cause.” He spoke in a thick German accent, his face had a large scar running down his cheek. “But I think you can respect that we're not very trusting of the Federation these days.”

“There are those in the Federation who know all too well the danger Salvation is putting humanity in.” I mustered my courage. “I believe the Thargoids are merely responding to human aggression against their territory.”

“Humanity should never have invaded the Pleiades. After we nearly brought them to the brink of extinction, we should have learned to respect their territory.” -REDACTED- raised his voice angrily, “And I'd like to remind YOU that THE FEDERATION had their own hand in the attempted xenocide. But now we're kicking them while they're down.”

“The Federation used to believe in respecting alien life, and I'll admit that we've lost our grip on that value.” I responded, “But I'm here to respect that tradition.”

“What is your intention?” he asked quite plainly.

Here we go Carthold, you've practiced this.

“I believe that humans and Thargoids can one day put this all behind us. That we can live side by side peacefully. A mutually beneficial relationship that will bring stability and plenty to both our species. Sustainable farming of meta-alloys and the sharing of resources and technology between us. But I think some of the methods of the Xeno Initiative are counter to this end.”

-REDACTED- gave a small smile. “I have no respect for pilots from the Anti-Xeno Initiative. I will engage any Xeno hunters with extreme prejudice, as is my right. THEY are escalating the conflict and bringing war to US. If you find that distasteful, you can leave now.”

Time for some compromise.

I stayed in my seat and extended my hand saying, “You have your methods, and I have mine. As long as I'm not forced to end innocent human lives, how can I help? I'll still fight alongside you if I see hunters needlessly attacking peaceful Thargoids however.”

He took my hand and shook it, giving an even wider smile. “The I.P.S.A.L Project needs some help to topple the AXI and the Hive from their choke hold on the Pleiades, if you might take up some influential missions from them. That would help out the cause greatly.”

The commander next to him seemed to chill out a bit, leaning over and placing her hands on the desk, saying, “I'll admit it's a breath of fresh air to have someone from the superpowers helping us.”

“I'll take my leave then commanders, I'll see you out there.” I stood up giving a quick salute, and went on my way.


If only I had known then, how much I would wrong them. The betrayal still haunts me to this day.
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