Logbook entry

**Log Entry 002: The Photograph**

22 May 2024Galuria Arrowfox
**Log Entry 002: The Photograph**

**CMDR Galuria Arrowfox - Stardate: 3310.05.22**

**Location:** Unknown


Computer, begin log entry.

[Log recording initiated.]

It seems I am drifting in uncharted space with critical system failures. Life support is on emergency reserves. Still no memories of my past or identity. Every day feels like a struggle for survival and a search for answers.

Earlier today, while searching the cockpit for anything that might help, I found an old, faded photograph stuck in a crevice. It seems to have been there for years. The faces are almost unrecognizable , but a ship marker number, **ZED174**, is faintly visible.

Computer, run a search on the ship marker number ZED174.

[Searching... Match found. Ship marker ZED174 registered to CMDR Zedakiah Massacre.]

Hum.... CMDR Zedakiah Massacre. Perhaps this is a lead. Let's send out a hailing message, explain the situation, and mention the photograph. See if this CMDR knows anything.

[Hailing message sent CMDR Galuria. Awaiting response.]

As I wait for a response, I must mention the emptiness around me feels even more pronounced then before. No memories to guide me, only the hope that this photograph might connect me to someone who can help.

[Incoming message from CMDR Zedakiah Massacre.]

A response already. Computer! Play the message!

Message playback: 'Galuria Arrowfox? Is it really you? I thought you were lost forever! I can't believe you're alive. Hold on, I'm dispatching a nearby ally, CMDR Red Talon, to assist you immediately. Hang tight, help is on the way.

Computer, calculate the estimated arrival time for CMDR Red Talon.

[Calculating... CMDR Red Talon is approximately 15 minutes away at current speed.]

Fifteen minutes.... Let's hope the life support holds out. Keep me updated on his approach.


Computer, status update on CMDR Red Talon's approach.

[CMDR Red Talon is now within visual range. Engaging docking protocols.]

Good. Open comms with Red Talon

[Comms open.]

"CMDR Count Red Talon, this is Galuria Arrowfox. I'm seeing you on approach. Systems are barely functional here, but I'm ready for docking assistance."

[CMDR Count Red Talon: 'Copy that, Arrowfox. I've got you. Stabilizing your ship now.']

Computer, log this as a successful rescue operation. CMDR Count Red Talon has managed to stabilize our systems. Plot a course back to the nearest station for repairs.

[Course plotted. Initiating autopilot failed. Manuel Flight Only]

Computer.... I dont know how to fly.... I guess now is better then never...

Oh! One more thing, computer. Keep this photograph safe. It was a beacon of hope when things seemed darkest. Without it, I might not have found the help I needed. And in my state, with no memories, any piece of the puzzle could be crucial.

[Photograph securely stored.]

End log entry
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