Logbook entry

Herald of Hadad

24 May 2024Argon Shadowstar
As I continue to work on my campaign in Col285, I hear ever increasing chatter regarding the nearby Titan, Hadad. It's been building over the last month or so, as more and more anti-xeno forces flock to the nearby systems, eager to deal the death blows to this beleaguered behemoth. With them comes a wave of meddling, as commanders going to and from the front lines zip about, from one port to the next, looking for supplies, offloading scrap, or trading materials and equipment. Even if their focus isn't on the political situation that has followed in my wake, their activities nonetheless are effecting the situation. The more aware of them have been adjusting their resupply runs so as to benefit their preferred faction, but the sheer number of them all acting together, both for and against one another, has had the overall effect of simply creating chaos. One might think this would disrupt my plans considerably, however, I find it has done quite the opposite. My goals are focused and I have adjusted my strategies to take advantage of the chaos, both using it to destabilize systems as well as to distract my enemies. With all these commanders running around these systems doing whatever they please, those who are trying to hunt me down or counter my actions are getting lost in a sea of mayhem and mercenaries, unsure of what's my doing and what's not. Of course, my flight and mission logs are not encrypted so they should know better, but it seems they are either too lazy to check them or are simply drawing the wrong conclusions, blinded by the very lies they tell themselves.

To that end, it seems Tatuba has proven to be quite an effective distraction. Time and time again, I am able to draw their attention to the system in droves with only a minor effort, though I will admit, my actions are likely enhanced through the activities of the shadow agents who seem to follow in my footsteps. Some time ago, I encountered an individual whom I believe may be one of these agents. Out of respect for them, I will not divulge their name. I had no direct contact with them, only observed them going about business which coaligned with my own. I remained largely hidden during the encounter, taking the time to observe them from the darkness of night. Once or twice I positioned myself just at the edge of the settlement's lights in plain view, alighting my shield briefly to draw their attention, then observing them for a time, only to slowly backpedal away into the darkness moments later. I assume they must have spotted me, as was my intent. They said nothing nor made any attempt to find me. I feel confident I could have evaded them if they had, as this is a skill I have learned well in my many years of mercenary work. At several times, I did consider sending a more direct message, but I doubt words would have communicated my intent better than my actions. They know now that I am aware of them, observing from the shadows, and approving of their actions, for if I was not, they would not have left the settlement except by Medivac.

Now, I sit and watch as humanity's eye turns to my direction, though they do not look for me, but rather the Herald of Hadad's demise, a solemn note played across the Galnet which will signal the final strike and the fatal blow against this great beast. Another monumental victory in a war for survival turned war for vengeance, lost by those for whom vengeance was justified, won by the bloodthirsty decadence of humanity's worst. It is my hope that while the stars run red with murder and weaponized nationalism, some will see the injustice of it all and know where the blame must lie. I hope that they see that just a few systems away, one man fights against that corruption in his own way, and perhaps will see fit to take up arms alongside him, or somewhere else where it is needed as well. And perhaps, if someone of like mind sees them, they too might join the fight, and the resistance continues to grow, one brave champion at a time.
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