Logbook entry

von Clausewitz

26 May 2024Xochitl Khae

von Clausewitz

The subtle thrumming of the life support system could be heard in the Krait’s crew conference room. Ryuko sipped on a drink of the station’s finest, the smooth burning liquid warming him as his eyes studied the data tablet on the table in front of him.

“They have finished the transfer of the Python Mk II’s frame-shift overdrive to this ship,” Tara announced, scrolling down her own data tablet. “Its weaponry has also been transferred to the passenger Python Mk II, and all additional equipment has been moved to the Yolen Gateway station.”

The smooth local liquor from that same station went down too easily, too smoothly.

“Has Aby made it aboard yet?”

“Yes, he has just arrived. It is only a matter of time before Zaria learns of Scyles’ fate.”

Ryuko looked across the table at Lianna and Jabir. “No one is to say anything to him. I will inform him once we are free of this capital ship.”

Both Lianna and Jabir nodded their heads as Ryuko sighed.

“She wanted us to make a profit for her ship, but we are through with playing her games… which I suspect was the point someone was trying to make, either her or someone above her.”

Ryuko tapped his tablet, looking at each of their faces. “I have been going over the financial report, and I believe it is time we separated our business interests from under her roof.”

Both Lianna and Jabir exchanged glances and then looked at Tara, whose face showed a knowing smile.

“There is a system, one hundred light-years away, that has what we need to cut the strings with her and operate in a way that is more secure for us, while still maintaining my contract with them.”

Tara’s smile grew larger as looks of confusion appeared on the others’ faces.

“Zaria will be out of the chain of command, but you will remain under mine. I requested Aby to play his role as he once did, as a direct tattle-tale link back to our benefactor.”

“No dismantling?” Tara asked with a snarky tone, the grin remaining on her face.

Ryuko chuckled. “No, no dismantling, but you can taunt him all you want.”

Standing up, he leaned on the table, looking once more at each of their faces. “Everyone, get to your posts and prepare for departure. I will follow shortly.” There was one last set of messages to send once the glow of his thrusters could be seen by the bridge aboard this capital ship.

Ryuko watched as each filed out of the conference room, with Aby at the door, looking on with a curious expression on his android face. “Did I miss anything important?”

“Yes, you did. All will be explained once we reach our destination, and then I need you to report the same to my benefactor.”

Aby nodded, the look remaining on his face. “You do know he has arrived aboard this ship?”

That was shocking news but not unwelcome. He and Zaria would at least learn of his plans together, without one having to relay them to the other.

Ryuko walked out into the corridor, heading towards the bridge with Aby in tow. “No, I was not aware, but it doesn’t matter at this stage. He and I can chat later. For the moment we need to be on our way if we are to keep the appointment I have made.”

“If I may ask, what is this appointment you speak of?”

“You will know within the hour. Until then, get to the bridge and take a seat. We have a lot of space to cover, and we need to get all of the basics covered before the end of this standard day.”

Ryuko took his seat across the bridge from Aby as Lianna received departure clearance, the landing pad rising upwards.

“Course is laid in,” Jabir announced as steering cues appeared on Lianna’s heads-up display.

“Three jumps distant,” Lianna confirmed as the Krait lifted off and began to accelerate away from the capital ship.

Ryuko nodded at Tara, who looked back at him with a smile still on her face.

“Once we land, everyone is to remain onboard. I shouldn’t be more than ten to thirty minutes before we depart again for our final destination.”

Aby looked around the bridge as a jump point formed in front of the ship. “I know you stated that my questions would be answered on our arrival, but the secrecy of this has me troubled. Is your benefactor or Zaria aware of your plans?”

“As before, all of your questions will be answered in short order. Once I have concluded my business, you can ask me anything you like before submitting your report to our benefactor,” Ryuko replied, continuing to study his data tablet.

“Tara, at our final destination, we will need the recently transferred assets transferred once more. On their arrival, I will need the Python reconfigured for maximum cargo capacity. We will be transitioning to a new system, where we will need to transfer around six thousand tons of cargo.”

Everyone's head turned, with shocked expressions on their faces, to look back at Ryuko. All except Tara, whose grin stretched her design capabilities.

As the Krait exited hyperspace on the first leg of its three-part journey, Ryuko’s tablet beeped with an incoming message. Tara studied him as he read the message to himself before looking up at her.

“Are there any issues with your plan, or are there any replacements we need to settle?” she asked. Ryuko shook his head.

“Everyone is comfortable with their task and the arrangements,” he replied.

“To quip a quote from antiquity, this is all rather Machiavellian,” Aby stated, his curious look shifting between Ryuko and Tara.

Ryuko did not understand the reference and turned his attention back to his data tablet. Tara, however, understood Aby's allusion perfectly.

“I would think it is more of a von Clausewitz-style scenario,” Tara said, raising an eyebrow in amusement, “as warfare is often not that of lasers or railguns, but of psychological factors.”

“Of whom are we at war?” Aby asked, more confused than before.

Tara huffed in amusement at Aby’s naivety. “Anyone who would stand in the way of our freedoms or living our lives as we see fit.”

A second jump point formed as the ship passed the halfway mark towards its final destination.

Aby shook his head, a programmed form of mimicry as he sought to understand her meaning. “You are both free of any legal obligations. You are listed as human with a complete history that would be impossible to refute.”

That last statement changed Tara’s expression from one of amusement to a burning desire for Aby to remain silent. Ryuko raised his eyes at Aby, while Jabir turned to look back at the three of them.

“Your programming is in error,” Tara cautioned with a seething tone, as Aby realized his slip.

“My apologies, Miss Sha. It was my error, and you are correct.”

Her glaring eyes shifted to Ryuko, who shook his head and turned his eyes back to his tablet.

“Payment is ready for transfer on my arrival. All that remains is my signature,” Ryuko announced, attempting to change the subject and diffuse Aby’s slight.

The Krait exited from its final jump, the distant station showing on the ship’s scanners as Lianna adjusted course, aligning the ship with its arrival beacon. “Five minutes until landing,” she announced.

Ryuko stood up from his seat, pausing at the bridge entrance as the station came into visual view.

“Remember, no one is to leave the ship. I will be back in short order. Once we have arrived at our final destination, we will need to jump once more to begin taking on the necessary supplies. I will then brief the personnel on what is to be expected of them.”

Tara nodded, her expression resolute, while Aby once again looked between the two of them in confusion as the landing pad came into view.
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