Logbook entry

Tengoku Nox Aeterna

27 May 2024Xochitl Khae

Tengoku Nox Aeterna

Ryuko sat in the jump seat at the back of his Krait, his eyes closed as Lianna navigated through three additional jumps. Tara’s smile returned as Aby attempted to understand what complex arrangements required so much travel in so little time.

“The asset reports they are preparing to meet us at the designated rendezvous. All of the ships and modules are accounted for,” Tara said in a soft tone.

Aby tilted his head, looking first at the unresponsive Ryuko, then back to Tara.

“I could be of some assistance, but I do not understand what is taking place.”

Tara continued to smile. “He said you would know at our final destination and could ask him anything you like. That was not our final destination.”

“Based on the module types he has available, and at its max capacity, the Python can handle 228 tons of cargo at any given time. Based on the 6,000 tons he is wanting to move, for whatever purpose, and without a fuel scoop, it would require 26.31 trips.”

“That was the figure I arrived at as well. Since the distance is within the same moon the station is in orbit of, it should take a couple of hours to complete the transfer.”

“What are we transporting?” Aby asked, as Tara shook her head. “As stated before, your questions will be answered at our final destination, and then you can ask any additional ones.”

Aby turned his still-cocked head forward, his deadpan android eyes staring out of the bridge’s front window. “This is all very cloak and dagger.”

“Provisions?” Ryuko asked, keeping his eyes closed and head laid back.

“Fully stocked for extended operations,” Tara replied, “along with that special someone who already has a prepared list of their requirements for the extracurricular operations.”

The Krait arrived at its destination system as Lianna began navigating her way to a distant moon Ryuko had selected as their target coordinate.

“Just under 3,000 light-seconds to target,” Lianna announced as a small smile formed on Ryuko’s face.

“Orbit the moon to the opposite side of the orbital station. The rendezvous point should be in position.”

“There is a capital asset at that location,” Jabir announced, playing with the controls of the ship’s scanners.

“The Tengoku Nox Aeterna is right on schedule,” Ryuko replied in a quiet voice. “Lianna, that ship is your target.”
“Are we supporting, supplying, trading with, or assaulting that ship? Because if it is the latter, our chances against a capital asset move strongly into the negatives,” Aby stated, looking at Ryuko.

“Your programming must include a buzz kill feature,” Ryuko said, causing a chuckle among the crew.

As the Krait orbited the moon, a pristine fleet carrier appeared. Lianna maneuvered into position to begin landing operations.

“Confirmed, landing pad 12,” Lianna replied to the carrier’s controller, looking over her shoulder with a puzzled expression. “What is a Taisho?”

“It is considered proper form to be culturally sensitive when addressing the asset's new owner,” Tara replied, “until told or instructed to do otherwise.”

Aby’s head cocked from side to side, looking rapidly between Ryuko and Tara.

“Taisho is a Japanese term, meaning either commander, general, or admiral. Who is this new owner?”

Ryuko’s eyes opened, looking at Aby from the corners, sighing. “You can create and run statistical models of the universe, but can’t add two plus two.”

“Evolutionary progress is not always equal,” Tara said, letting out a laugh that was not programmed mimicry. “Take a wild guess.”

“You purchased a fleet carrier?” Aby asked in surprise.

“Far more than that,” Ryuko replied.

“He purchased our freedom, and a place for our profit to benefit each of us and not him,” Tara added, staring at Aby.

Aby tilted his head again, from side to side, searching his programming. “I do not know how your benefactor will respond.”

Ryuko raised up in his seat, watching Lianna’s approach and landing. “That is why you are here. To be as you once were, a liaison between me and him. The contract I agreed to still stands, but it is on my terms, not Zaria’s or some other flunky.”

“But, how did a pirate amass such wealth?”

The gear compressed on the landing pad as it began its descent into the cavernous hangar below.

“I did say that you could ask your questions once you knew, and you are on cue.”

“I knew of your financial records and did not see such a sum,” Aby replied. “This is all very confusing.”

Ryuko nodded, standing up. “How much did I make for Zaria’s carrier, all total, from Colonia to here, and since returning here?”

“Almost two billion credits.”

“That has been within a month, plus change. I was doing this for years before the incident that landed me under his… care. Wonder how much I might have squirreled away elsewhere, that you could not see?”

Aby thought on that for several seconds, running through several scenarios.

“That makes sense, but adds the question of why now?”

“Because my contract is to train his volunteers, not be his source of income for one of his assets. In doing this, I can not only train Lianna and Jabir more efficiently but can also profit others who are working towards our same cause. And once done, be on my way to wherever I please to do whatever I want.”

Aby nodded in understanding, searching his programming again as Ryuko turned and walked off the bridge, with Tara and the others following.

Waiting on the hangar floor were the ship’s 11 officers, along with a singularly alluring woman, Contessa Svetlana, the madam who presided over the secretive and exclusive Twilight Veil.

“Was that the name you chose?” Ryuko asked Tara, who wore a smile on her face.

“Having one addressed as a countess adds to the mystique and the potential for additional credits.”

A chuckle escaped as he rolled his eyes. “Come then, let’s meet the others.”

The ranking deck officer and captain, Akio Takeda, stood as tall as Ryuko, positioning himself in front of the other officers under his command.

“I am the captain of this vessel,” Akio stated, bowing in what would have been a cultural norm as Ryuko approached. “Taisho Ryuko. Each of these officers is agreeable to your desires for our missions.”

Ryuko smiled. “You can knock off the Taisho if you like. Simply Ryuko, or commander… depending on the situation.”

Akio nodded. “You no doubt noticed Contessa Svetlana, as everyone else has. Chen Wei is our commodity trader, though I suspect we will be doing little of that. He has agreed to aid our fence, Miss Nadine Roux, and our resident bartender and black marketeer, Miss Leila Bakir.”

Ryuko nodded at the trio. “And our Tritium dealer? I imagine you will be very busy soon.”

“Yes, that would be Mr. Dimitrios Papadopoulos. A fine man for the craft and equally helpful with fencing and marketing.”

“I imagine our countess might need a little help from time to time. Who might that be?”

“Yes, your chief armorer and head of security, Mr. Mahmoud Farouk.”

Ryuko didn’t have to guess which one the armorer and security chief was, nodding at the mountain of a man who was built like a Vulture heavy fighter on two legs; nature built him for the fight and little else.

“Your office liaison is Mr. Min-Jae Kim,” Akio announced, as the sharp-eyed man bowed, watching his commander closely. “He is equally skilled at both security and engineering.”

I didn’t doubt it. Aside from being smaller than the security chief, nature built him just as tough.

“Your head engineer is Diego Thompson, our resident magician when it comes to making things work and fixing them when they don’t.”

Ryuko looked at the man, noting that his figure, though not hulking like some, was pure lean muscle.

“Let me take a guess, also good at security?”

“That and more,” Akio replied, nodding at the man.

Akio turned his head to look at Tara briefly before motioning with his arm at the others in line. “Per the instructions we received prior to your arrival, it was mentioned that you sometimes like to head out into the black and do a little discovery. Our resident stellar cartographer is Mr. Mikhail Sokolov, and next to him is Miss Anika Bose, our resident exobiologist.”

“Looks like a fine bunch of officers to begin operations with, which reminds me,” Ryuko said, turning towards the group behind him. “Miss Tara Sha, my companion, and the two wet ears next to her are Lianna Wise and Jabir al-Habib. Both are trainees of mine and will be for some of the officers. The android is Aby, a liaison between me and my contractor. Any information that needs to flow between us two goes through him.”

Ryuko turned back to look at each of his officers. “I expect you want a speech, but I have none to give. This is a simple, black and white operation. As you might have noticed, I am a pirate, of sorts. I also do a little bounty hunting, passenger running, and everything in between. We have a bar, brothel, black market, and fencer. That should tell you everything. My two wet ears will be spending some of their odd time with many of you. I need them to learn as much as they can. Does anyone have any issues with any of this?”

Everyone shook their heads.

“I noticed the ship’s chef and its doctor are missing, or do we not have those yet?”

Akio stepped to Ryuko’s side. “I needed them at their posts until we were done with our refueling and additional outfitting. If you like, I can have them paged down here?”

The Contessa looked at Ryuko with a straight face, but there was humor in her eyes.

“No, I will meet them soon enough,” Ryuko replied, looking back at Tara. He hoped that she hadn’t evolved the emotions of jealousy, else Contessa might not have a pleasurable experience being on board.

“Contessa, I am leaving Jabir with you to learn your operations. Lianna, I want you with Mr. Akio. She is doing well with her flying, but I need her to learn bridge operations. Both Tara and I will transfer to the Python and begin getting our fuel ferried over.”

Akio nodded as Ryuko motioned for Jabir and Lianna to pair up. “Aby, I want you with Mr. Min-Jae Kim. Go over your requirements for communicating our current status with our benefactor, and if he wishes an audience with me, he can fly over here and we can talk.”

Aby tilted his head to one side, analyzing the new situation he found himself in, as he stepped out from behind the others to pair up with the carrier’s office liaison.

“Once we are done refueling, we can all have our first dinner together, get this crate underway, and begin earning some credits.”
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