Logbook entry

Unintended Consequences

01 Jun 2024Xochitl Khae

Unintended Consequences

Ryuko let the warm water of the shower cascade over him, trying his best to let it wash away the edge of his hangover. The dinner with his officers had gone better than expected. He had explained how the pay system on the carrier would change to shares, meaning everyone would earn more overall, but that same pay hinged on the success of their ventures. If anyone slacked, it would be less, but as a crew, they would earn more.

The officers perked up on learning their shares would be more than those they led, with Akio and Tara receiving a little extra due to their station. Of course, he, as owner and the person leading all efforts, would get more than the rest, but with the potential profits lying on the table, there was no dissent.

They balked initially at Contessa’s assets not being available to them, but she would keep a separate group for the crew's morale. Likewise, there would be two bars: one for the crew and the other for visitors and patrons. The crew mixing with patrons was forbidden. Contessa and the bar would be the ship’s primary intelligence sources. They would loosen the lips and be the carrier’s compass, and it needed to point towards others and not themselves.

Both the madam and the bar would make use of external contacts, like his arrangement with Beau. He had an accord with him as well as Zaria, and he planned on honoring both, once his head achieved orbit. The local brew on the ship was as pleasant and smooth as it was wicked. A concoction crafted by the android master chef himself. It kept the victim’s gastrointestinal system settled, but it had a bite at the end.

Tara waited for him with a towel in hand and a cheeky grin on her face.

“So, pirate lord, tell me, what other treasures have you buried away from everyone?”

Pirate lord… what a load of biowaste, umph.

Getting dressed, the flight suit undergarment was a little tight, but it had to be to provide heating and cooling. There were no bashful commanders in the universe.

“Has Aby made his report?”

Tara looked over her shoulder with an amused grin.

“Hours ago, and I am not surprised that there has been no reply.”

Ryuko paused, looking at Tara in confusion, which made her chuckle.

“Oh, my lovable pirate lord, why would they complain? This is the pinnacle of fulfilling your contract with them. This is the top of the food chain when it comes to pirates. It has everything all of the lower stations could want: a bar, brothel, and fence. It also has everything on all of the rungs above.”

Ryuko rocked his head from side to side in acknowledgment of the point she had made—unintended consequences.

“You asked if I had more buried treasure, and indeed I do,” Ryuko said as he donned his flight suit, teasing her with knowledge of more assets that no one knew about, causing her to turn around.

“These are more worthless than useful, but I keep them squirreled away because… well, you never know.”

She placed her hands on her hips, in a purely female human gesture, giving him that look of expectant anticipation and revelation. “And…?”

“Remote release flechette and flak launchers along with a few errant shock cannons we had taken from a few prizes.”

Tara chuckled again. “In your line of work, no one would want or have use of those. A messy prize is no prize at all!”

“A niche series of weapons that were of no use to anyone. I used them a few times, more to learn how to, but you are correct. Their value is less than the cargo space used to contain them,” Ryuko stated, finishing fashioning his flight suit and bending from side to side and front to back to test its fit.

“Want to know who the predators are and where they hide? You go to the prey. We build our reputation amongst them and secure proper clientele for our resident countess. That gives us our intelligence, and then we pirate the predators to keep our fence busy. Both sides will purchase what we have to offer, securing our future funding.”

Tara moved with purposeful, graceful steps, passing Ryuko and giving him a pat on the bottom, a cheeky grin on her face. “If I didn’t know better, I would think you have done this before.”

“Innocent until proven guilty,” Ryuko replied, pulling out his plasma pistol from his suit’s thigh holster and checking its charge. “This is where our contracted trainees learn the real lessons.”

Tara walked over to a wall monitor that activated as she neared. “I am curious, as I am still learning, and your new ship has yet to learn. You have Lianna with Captain Akio and Jabir with Contessa Svetlana. What does this teach them that honors your contract?”

Forgot about the ship’s own artificial intelligence.

“Ship, or whatever your name is, are you listening?” Ryuko felt foolish looking around at the ceiling and talking to the open air. “Is this thing active?”

Would you like me to remain in standby mode for your personal quarters, or do you wish to activate continuous monitoring?

Ryuko’s eyes looked down at Tara, whose face showed her amusement, annoying him.

“No, this is fine. Can you have my Python converted back to its prior business passenger configuration?”

Estimated time for conversion: one standard hour.

“Good… good. Send the order. Also, I need a regional map displayed with the ruling governing factions listed. I will need to reposition this ship to better situate ourselves for upcoming missions.”

A list of surrounding systems out to one hundred light-years appeared on the wall monitor as Ryuko walked over to it, studying its contents.

Your pirate needs easy consumer access and consumed alike, a voice inside of Tara said.

“What do you have in mind?” Tara asked, standing next to him, studying the same display.

There was a wealth of uninhabited systems out on the rim, but what was needed was one within a single jump range of legitimate and pirate-run systems.

“This one will do,” Ryuko stated, pointing at an uninhabited system with a single M-class star and several moons. “This places us between the predators and prey, giving us access to wealthier clientele and good grounds for hunting.”

A shadow cast itself suddenly over Ryuko’s features as he stared at Tara, and then looked up to the ceiling.

“Ship, a few quick questions. First, do you have a preference for designation? Second, do you have personnel scanning capabilities?”

I can be designated however you choose, using any voice or method of communication you, as the owner, dictate. The answer to your second question is yes. I am capable of performing complete medical scans on all personnel at all times. Do you require a scan?

Tara studied Ryuko, noticing the narrowing of his eyes and the tension in the muscles of his neck and jawline.

“Scan the person in front of me and report.”

Sub-Commander Tara Sha. Official records designate her as human, yet advanced medical scans reveal a complex composition. Her physical structure incorporates graphene carbon nanotube composite framing, suggesting enhanced durability and resilience. Further analysis detects a synthetic genome, indicating artificial genetic manipulation. Energy patterns indicative of extensive cybernetic enhancements are also observed, suggesting a fusion of organic and technological components. Notably, cranial scans deviate from typical human anatomy, displaying characteristics consistent with high-order neurological synthetic constructs…

“Stop there. Scrub all records and do not scan further unless on my direct orders and that of no other. Also, list any who have scanned her, and report and have detained all future attempts by anyone who would attempt to do so.”

Records purged and order acknowledged. Immediate detention of the android Aby and Doctor Anansi Quipu, this vessel's chief medical officer, has been issued.

“Have them brought to my suite.”

Order updated.

Tara followed Ryuko as he stomped as he walked out to the front room of the suite.

“Is there a record of the two in the same location, with no others present?”


“Any communications outside of this ship either during or immediately following?”

Yes. A live communication was recorded while the two were together.

Ryuko laughed, surprising Tara. “Freedom my ass. They bought her!”

Tara tilted her head as Ryuko continued to laugh. “They should be the ones teaching piracy!”

“What made you think to ask that question?”

“Surprised I did not see it earlier. A capital ship always has an artificial overseeing everything, including crew welfare.”

Tara tilted her head the other way, studying Ryuko. “What will you do?”

A devious smile appeared on Ryuko’s face. “Be a pirate.”
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