Logbook entry


05 Jun 2024Jana Razeki
April 21, 3310
Near Titan Oya

I watched with a dulled interest as the Titan, hidden behind the veil of its - supposed - protective caustic cloud, gave off an elongated, low wail, before its fusion reactor crossed the point of turning into a miniaturized star for a few seconds, tearing the gargantuan Thargoid capital ship apart.

Then I sighed.

This was what the war had come to. A whole load of senseless killing, neither side looking for a resolution that didn't involve shooting big guns at each other at some point down the line. And I couldn't even tell which side was the worse one... because while we'd started it, the Thargoids weren't much better in bringing the war to our doorstep with eight of those things. Only five, now.

At least I no longer needed to worry about having a Titan sitting right on my home. I turned my Krait MKII - still the 'Defender', name and favorite status unlikely to change - around, and began the first jump back to the rescue megaship. Because I hadn't been sitting by idly - instead using the 'opportunity' which the meltdown presented to get as many of the pods on the Titan out as was possible. This latest, and final, load - a 192 of them - from this final hour of its existence.

Knowing you'd just get ejected by the Titan itself before it exploded, I played the safe card as to not lose any of my 'cargo', and waited far outside of the caustic perimeter... because, while I was not a war tourist, I still wanted to be there to observe the demise of the Titan which had occupied my home system for almost a year and a half, by this point in time. The reason for that... I wasn't sure, since I derived no satisfaction from it, unlike some of the blood-crazed "defenders of humanity", for whom it felt more like they were just there to kill Thargoids. I certainly wouldn't be thanking their type, only those with a genuine interest of defending our space. Because bloodlusting after Thargoids was the cause of this war in the first place.

I still had plans for this aftermath... but I'd give it a few days before setting those in motion, at least. Both for local repairs to progress, and the things Thargoid to calm down around the remains of the Titan. Somewhere I'd look around for myself, just to be sure it was as dead as believed - once it became accessible. But that too was a waiting game, thanks to the caustic death shell now surrounding it. And also the superheated plasma at its core.

Four days later ...
April 25
Lhou Mans
Webb City, Orbis starport, orbiting planet 5

Repair work seemed to be going along nicely... for the orbital infrastructure, at least. Scaffolding on the exterior was getting sparser every day, it looked like, maybe could even be removed entirely soon.

But that didn't speak much to the overall situation, or that of the interior. After over a year of abandonment, lack of maintenance and residual corrosive substances eating through the internal structure... that could take months more to repair. And, of course, the public parts had to look all nice and shiny for visitors. Couldn't have any corrosive burn marks or exposed framework there...

Not to even speak of the stuff down on the ocean world below - the hab domes, for workers and 'early buyers', on what few land masses were available, were somewhat more difficult to get back into shape, with their construction having to resist 27 atmospheres of pressure trying to flatten them at all times. Not to mention quite extreme heat, albeit nowhere near close enough to melt steel or rock. And resuming the terraforming process...

But that was for the more further future. I threw a docking request at the station after ending my gazing at the blue world down below - turned somewhat less appealing by the horrid excess of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere, though not enough to obscure the surface - and flew inside. Once docked, I threw out a message to that certain friend of mine, who I'd asked... maybe, a month ago, if she wanted to drop by once this place was clear of Thargoids. And now it was. Just had to hope I'd left it long enough for things to calm down, on the Thargoid side, and that she was actually back within the Bubble. Only one way to find that out...

Hey, Kas

So, remember how I told you I wanted to have you over at my... well, home, when the Thargoids got the boot? Well, I'm there now, and nothing better to do. Would you mind coming around? System is Lhou Mans. Assuming you're in the Bubble, that is.


Surprisingly - to me - I got a response... at least, pretty quickly.

I am, yes. I can come over quickly... in the next 30 minutes, maybe.

If you'd like?

Of course! Just be mindful of the traffic. With the Titan thoroughly... well... wrecked, there's been a lot more ships coming in. And people returning to their homes. Those that got out when this whole shitstorm started, anyway ...

Not the happiest thought to end that message on. Though it was true - once it was 'sealed' that the Titan would definitely be going down for good, at hand of it exploding rather violently, there was suddenly a lot more local activity. Both those returning, and traders looking to profit from the higher prices paid for repair materials.

I, myself, hadn't actually come back yet. At least, not fully - I'd waited to see what state my personal apartment would be in until this day. If it was even still there at all - there was a certain chance of it just having been melted out of existence, but it didn't seem like the corrosive substances had gotten quite that far in. So I was reasonably hopeful my humble hideout was - mostly - still in one piece.

I was looking forward to seeing Kasumi again, too. Both for her, and, really, also that inappropriately curvy shape of hers. Because I had an odd adoration for it, and she somehow managed to look so natural in it, even though it would've been far too big for me to handle on my own body.

... though I quite deliberately avoided warning her that my little apartment wasn't particularly spacious, even if the definition was generously extended toward the lower end of the word's meaning. And the thought of her fighting that with her big curves... was enough to put a silly grin on my face, imagining it. Because that was the kind of weird fun I liked... and, somehow, I had a feeling she 'enjoyed' those challenges of her oversized shape in a weird way, too.

Would still have to wait for her, of course. Thirty minutes wasn't really enough time to get anything like picking up some cargo in a neighboring, unaffected system for this one, either. So I just brought her down into the hangar and spent my time researching... something else that'd become quite important for me, soon. And which would remain a secret... mostly as a surprise for my oversized friend, later on.

Suddenly, those thirty minutes were over - how time passed when looking into something interesting - and I had a message from Kasumi telling me she'd arrived... in system, at least. Only occurred to me then that I'd forgotten to tell her where, exactly. Something which I quickly rectified.

Uh, sorry, forgot to tell you where to go. Webb City. The Orbis port that's going around the water world. See you soon.

Would only be a few minutes from here. Figured it'd be better to get myself ready, so I went off to my cabin to throw off the suit and get my unruly hair into order... slightly.

Then, out of the ship. No jacket today, so I only wore the snug black shirt I usually did, plus black and red cargo pants... really, was just what I wore practically every day. Kas was apparently in hangar 18, so, also in a medium ship. What I would've expected. I found her just outside that bay, looking at a conveniently placed vending machine. Expectedly, her attire was the usual stuff, too. I got her attention by calling out, while waving.

"Hey, Kas. Over here."

She turned away to face me. Got a good view of the 'fun stuff' that way, too. "Hey."

I pointed at the vending machine. "Tourist trap. Those souvenirs aren't really very high quality. You'd find better on the main station markets, but not sure if those guys have come back yet."

'Assuming they will', I added in my head, because there was also the options of 'Fled into deep space, Thargoid abducted and awaiting identification, or killed, during the initial invasion or vaporized with the Titan'... though option 5 could also still be 'Survived the explosion and is going to be found in a pod later'.

"Have you not been here, yet?", Kasumi asked, drawing my attention back to the matter at hand. And, of course, her curves... because I just found it impossible to keep my eyes off them.

"Well... no. Not yet. Figured I'd do it when the Thargoids were all well and gone. Then, I decided to just wait to do it with you, I guess."

I shrugged. Didn't have it in me to tell her that I was concerned about a possible Thargoid reprisal due to the destruction of the Titans... and that it could again hit the edges of the Bubble, first.

"Should we go?", I then asked.

"Go, ahead.", she answered, pointing behind me with her right arm... and I couldn't miss the rather noticeable shift that caused on her chest. Damn, was it ever distracting.

"Follow me, then. Nothing too interesting from here to my little apartment on the station, but if there's anything noteworthy, I'll be your tourist guide."

If the joke took, it wasn't obvious, as I turned around and began to walk... trying to mind my pace, but it turned out that I really didn't need to. She seemed to be perfectly capable of following at a regular human walking speed, if she wanted. Had to be tiring with that figure, though, so I still remained at the slower speed. And struck up a conversation on the way.

"So, how's your time since you got back to the Bubble been?", I just threw out into the space between us.

"It has, been... fine.", she replied, albeit a little slowly. Hadn't fully recovered, yet, maybe, or tiptoed around the Thargoid matters likely on her mind. "I have got on the nerves of Azimuth, some more."

That was a matter of amusement to me. "Not surprised about that. They deserve it, anyway. It's about time someone, or something, got back at them for all their shit."

I hadn't quite forgotten her mention of doing that some, even prior to leaving the Bubble toward the end of March. Now... Azimuth's little expansion attempt wasn't looking so rosy, and they were faced with the prospect of having to retreat back out of it.

I was kind of out of ideas for what else to say, already. Both for meaningful subjects and 'small talk'. Never had exactly been my strongest suit. But we still had a bit of a way to go. Then, my memory jump started, and was - for once- actually helpful.

"So, what'd you do out in the deep black? I mean, didn't seem like you were just going out for a happy little exploration voyage. Those aren't my thing, anyway. I'd just get bored out of my mind in a few days."

"I looked, into... some things, that are best not mentioned, in public.", Kasumi replied, and I could tell from the tone that it was meant.

"Oh, that kind of thing. Secrets that someone really doesn't want you to find out about. But what could possibly be hidden way out there? All I know about is Colonia. And maybe some old, failed research expeditions."

"I may tell you... later. But not now, and not here."

I could tell it either was a subject which didn't interest her any further, or something really shitty that the mere mention of would get a person placed on a watch or hit list just for mentioning the mere existence of. Because that was the kind of world we lived in... probably was some big corpo outfit trying to hide their shady business somewhere far away from prying eyes. Or I would've guessed, anyway. So I let it be, but did glance back at her... to be immediately distracted by the way her breast moved up and down with each step. Damned human impulses... they did look really good on her. And looked quite bouncy.

I couldn't stop myself from looking back every now and then for that reason... though, at least, I was trying to pretend it was to make sure she didn't get lost or stopped by being distracted with something. I doubted I did a very good job of it, though, considering just where my eyes would end up. And she, without a doubt, noticed. Not least of which because she directly brought it up.

"It is distracting, is it not?"

I blushed rather intensely at it being called out like that. "Uh... yes ..."

"I do not mind. I know it is, myself."

Still a little too awkward that I was unable to stop myself from staring at another woman's - completely oversized - breast, like that. Especially with it being a friend. I just... looked ahead again, and was slightly saved from the embarrassing moment by noticing that we were there.

"Oh. Well. This is it.", I said into nowhere.

"It looks... unremarkable.", Kasumi stated, studying what could basically be described as a non-descript wall with doors at certain intervals. I shrugged to that, and replied.

"That's why I like it." I looked at things myself a little. Definitely, we'd gotten to where the repair crews hadn't really bothered, or had too much time yet. Tool boxes, loose panels, wires, replacements... all that was pretty much scattered all over the place. Nothing blocked the way into my own place, though, luckily. And, other than the internal damage caused by when the port was shot up, the outside looked fine. The inside... I'd find out soon.

"See... it is good, that I am distracting. You got here, without even noticing how close, we were.", she then said, just making me blush further. And be even more embarrassed. I definitely hadn't been a good influence with my teasing, if she'd picked up on any of it.

Rather than comment, I went ahead and placed my hand on the biometric identifier. The door slid open, so that all worked, at least. To be expected, in a repair task such as this. A preliminary glance told me everything appeared in order, or mostly as I'd left it, anyway. I would have to take a closer look to be sure nothing went missing thanks to scavengers with a bigger sense for money than morals, but beyond a bit of chaos because the port had been thoroughly blasted by Thargoid weaponry, everything seemed ok.

I stepped inside. Then turned around, making an inviting gesture toward Kasumi... while taking the opportunity to look at her lower curvature too, again, now that I had a better excuse.

"Come on in. We'll have the place to ourselves. And sorry about the slight mess... you can guess, I haven't been here to clean up since the angry space flowers got the boot."

She gave me a funny look for the Thargoid joke, though more of the slightly amused kind, then moved toward the doorway. It, itself... wasn't too much of a problem, although clearance to either side was definitely a bit on the narrow end. She did stop upon taking in the size, or lack thereof, of this little spot on the station. It pretty much was just a small kitchen, integrated into the wall on the left, a spot to eat, a living space with a monitor, a couple drawers and lockers to keep personal belongings... plus bunk beds, two in total, but mostly only one had ever really seen use. A small-ish couch for those two people who could share this space together, too. Or maybe one, if your hips covered space for two. Not that I had anyone like that with me...

"You could have told me... it would be this small.", Kasumi remarked, her legs placed apart slightly, revealing an otherwise completely absent thigh gap, hands placed on her hips. Which I found quite attractive.

"But that would've ruined the fun of letting you find out.", I replied, maaaybe grinning just a little.

"You... just want to see me, struggle."

I shrugged amusedly. "I guess I do." After a short pause, I added something in a slightly more serious, less teasing, tone. "Please try to not knock stuff over, though."

I stood aside as Kasumi wandered further inward, the door automatically sealing behind her. There wasn't much space for her wide lower half, though, as it was already a bit narrow for one person of my size, let alone two... and it felt like there was barely a millimeter separating her hips from me when she tried to walk by, and... not really any to the table that was there to eat. Nevermind the fact that she was big enough to not leave any room for me to squeeze past her anywhere in here, so I was now stuck behind her in this, mostly one-room, single floor apartment. Not that I minded... because hell, what a view I had. Her breasts were one thing, but her hips with those thighs and that backside, it was another league of its own. For now, I stayed where I was, leaning against the wall. Was a good spot to 'observe' this show anyway. Anytime she moved was one, really.

Apparently, the pillows on the floor kind of annoyed her, because Kasumi proceeded to pick them up, and put them where they were supposed to be. All the while providing me with some quite generous angles, though likely not on purpose. Was it on her mind... probably, I was willing to bet, because she was totally aware of the effect her body had on bystanders. Both the ones she knew, and didn't know.I also observed with a great interest as she finished her pillow construction and dropped on the couch. Not as 'violent' of an impact as it could have been, given that this spot was located roughly in the 0.5G zone of the port, but it was still enough to keep her mass seated firmly on contact.

"Aw, now that's going to have a permanent imprint.", I remarked, in a jokingly annoyed tone.

"It will give it... style.", Kasumi retorted, almost causing me to snort in amusement.

"Stop. You're going to make me land on the floor with those jokes."

"Then I might sit on you... if you do."

"There'd be worse fates than to be stuck under your body. Don't think I can sit next to you on that, though."

"Why? I can make space."

I watched as she shuffled over to the right... and so did the flexible material of the couch as one part of the spot taken up previously was freed, getting filled in with what was getting displaced. And... there wasn't really anywhere to sit for me, still.

"Yeah, I think you've claimed that couch to yourself, Kas. No offense."

"And you would mind the contact?"

I put my hand to my chin in a thoughtful way, looking into a random direction. "I probably wouldn't. But it might be a bit early for that, if you ask me."

"It was... not serious, anyway."

"Figured." I put my right leg against the wall and crossed my arms. "Sorry for not having a lot to show around here, but, well, this is my place. Small, but, I like it this way. It's pretty much got everything I need."

Kasumi was, evidently, getting quite comfortable, by her leaning back, putting an arm on the left arm rest... after she got a bit creative in getting it to reach there without gymnastics, or just improvising her own body as said arm rest, and did her best to cross both legs at the knee. Which, it seemed, was quite difficult for her to do, just from how massive her thighs were.

"It is fine.", she told me, once kind of settled in her pose... then her look darted off to the side where another door was. "Where does this go?"

"Bathroom.", I replied. "Don't think they could've squeezed it into this room if they wanted. And don't think about squeezing yourself into the shower there."

"But why... I was going to."

I shook my head, facepalming. "You're as hopeless as I am. And maybe I just like that."

"I thought, you would. Because, you wanted me to squeeze around here, without saying ,I needed to."

"You know me too well." I dropped my arms again, but otherwise kept the pose. "You handled it well, though. Without knocking anything over, anyway... though you nearly got one of the swivel chairs by the table. And unless you're two and a half meters tall, I think this place does it just fine."

"Oh. So you met her too."

"I did. Not exactly sure what I was supposed to feel when I had that figure walk over to me by a landing field. Like ..."

I lifted both arms to show that I was a bit clueless on how to express it.

"I was not sure... whether to be afraid, or terrified.", Kasumi said. "I was... not as well, then, when she visited. On Duamta."

"Hell, can imagine, She was probably just as surprised to find you were suddenly so big, though." If that was a detail I'd already been told in the conversation I'd had with Ina almost two months ago, now, it hadn't stuck around in my messy brain.

"She was. And... apparently, liked it, too. I was 'poked' too, but in... a different situation. And different, spot."

"Yeah ..." I waited a bit before continuing. "I was told about that. And I told her I'd poked you too, because I just couldn't resist it. I mean, hell, you got so much stuff down there. How was I not supposed to?"

I got no answer to that. Instead, Kasumi got out of her seating spot - with a... quite big spot left behind where she'd sat, both in the width and the 'depth', and began to investigate the drawers. Except for those which happened to contain clothing, those quickly saw themselves shut again.

"Sorry to disappoint. Not a lot in there right now.", I told her, having moved up to there as well, just in case I had to 'intervene'. She threw a look at me, then back.

"No books?"

I tilted my head, giving her a funny look myself. "No, of course not. If I read anything, it's digital."

Kasumi took a step away and closed the locker she currently had open, quite firmly. "Boring."

"Sorry I don't meet your old-fashioned standards.", I replied in something of a sarcastic mocking tone. The response I got to that was an annoyed facial expression, and a large-curved figure strolling back over to her seating spot. Which sighed as it was forced to conform to her unique shape again.

"What? I thought that was funny. Maybe you want to watch something instead? Or some food?"

"I have already eaten.", she told me. "And maybe just some quiet, right now. Other than talking, you and me."

"Oh. Sure." I went over to the table to grab one of the swivel chairs, and lowered it to an appropriate level before sitting on it myself. "So, how can I help you today, miss?"

Kas rolled her eyes. "This is not therapy."

"Well, it is now." I grinned, but she wasn't really buying it. So I dropped the act again. "Okay, fine. Then, what?"

She began to think, looking in a random direction, hands on those quite meaty thighs. Which kind of attracted my own gaze there.

"What, about... I don't know. Do you have games?"

"Uh ..." I scratched my head. "Not... really, to be honest. I can't say I've really had many people over here to get those kinds of things."

"Maybe, you would need more space to, then."

I looked at her in a toying 'offended' way. "It is not because of that!"

"But I barely fit, inside."

I facepalmed. So that was where this was going. "If I didn't know you better, I'd be saying you're too naughty."

"Maybe... I am."

"Actually, not just maybe. Probably, or even definitely. Think about all of that mess you caused in VR."

"But you did it, too."

"... and you got me started on the madness of large body parts for women in the first place." Wasn't going to let her have that one so easily.

"And you... made me get back into it."

Had to admit, she got me there. It was me who'd handed that VR device back to her, and the next time I'd seen her, she was suddenly really 'inflated', in the wrong sense of the word of her lower half and breasts having gotten really big. Part of me wished I'd had that experience, only without the Thargoid parts to it. And not nearly as out of hand as the figure I had in front of me right now.

"I am right, am I not?". she inquired.

"... yes, yes, you are.", I reluctantly admitted. Couldn't see any way to worm my way out of that defeat.

"You should... try it yourself. It is fun, to be big."

"Thanks... but I've made the experience in VR already." I made a gesture around my hips which put them to be around shoulder width. Maybe a slight bit past but barely enough to even be noticeable. "And a little bigger too, but not as a permanent part of the avatar."

"I know. I saw it. But it is still... big."

"Of course. Wouldn't be as fun if it was just the real me, would it?" A rhetorical question, so I didn't really leave time to answer it. "I'm not planning on anything in that direction, in case you're wondering. Fine as I am, really, and it makes the screwing around in VR with a... 'enhanced' form, better."

Only the first part of that was a lie. But she didn't need to know until it'd happened. Whenever that would be...

Something of an awkward silence had settled in. Pretty much everything I expected to be there... was there, including the few personal belongings I'd brought with me after a rather impromptu departure from Imperial space... had to have been a decade ago, now. Not much more than that, maybe eleven years. Couldn't say I was missing it, but not exactly my favorite discussion subject either... even with a friend. So I preferred to avoid it. Unfortunately, it also felt like this 'Coming home' visit, was... a bit underwhelming, because of that. Not much more than 'Showing off my cozy little spot nestled into the station, and please ignore the mess caused by Thargoids bombarding the station'.

Even then, it wasn't that bad, or not nearly as much as I'd expected. Sure, there were still a few rough spots on the walls here and there, some panels not quite fully fixed on the wall, but it seemed like either this particular section hadn't been hit nearly as much, or particular care during the first pass was applied by the station repair crew. Whichever it was, not something I'd complain about. I was more expecting a lot of stuff strewn across the floor... then again, that would be an impediment to work, so it wouldn't have made sense to find it. Probably had gotten lucky with a few meticulous workers being the ones to pass through it, since everything was neatly tucked away somewhere.

Quite surprisingly, it was Kasumi who broke the silence, rather than me, which pulled me out of that thought bubble.

"Can I... ask something, of you?"

I raised an eyebrow, my own hands on the thighs now, too. "Sure. What for?"

Of course I was going to listen to her request. She'd been nice and willing enough to ignore the fact that there was the smoldering remains of a Titan basically right outside the window, to join me here. And I did really appreciate that.

"I... would like, for you, to join me somewhere. I... may, need, someone with me. And, you, are the only one... I could ask."

"Uh ..." I would've asked why I was the only option, but then, I remembered being told she and Ina hadn't parted on the best of terms, exactly. Not as if I was going to decline, anyway. "Sure. Just... let me know where, and when, and I'll be there."

"I will... tell you later. And, somewhere else, that is safer to. But, I have other things, to get done... first."

"Uhm... okay. Just... take the time you need. I won't really be going anywhere, anyway." Other than the plans I had to move over to supporting the Thargoid-assaulted front over at Titan Raijin instead, with it being the next-closest to here... but I'd just take a few days to stay in my little spot, first. And she didn't really need to be told - Thargoid subjects best avoided here. "Whenever you're ready, I'll be too."

"That... is nice. Of you." Kasumi stood up. I remained seated, looking up at her instead... almost worried I wouldn't be able to see her face thanks to the 'chest coverage'.

"So... I guess that means you're leaving now?"

"I am. But I would like to come back... some time."

"Right. I guess that means I better clean this place up for your next visit. There's dust everywhere."

Except for the couch where she'd sat. That had remained less dusty. And it wasn't that bad, not as if it'd been multiple years or a decade of unuse. Still, it worked for a bit of a lighthearted joke after a request for something that, even without details, sounded quite serious and important to her.

"I would prefer, if you made me more space. So I do not have to squeeze, everywhere.", Kasumi replied instead, in a rather dry tone.

"Quite afraid it's not going to change. I'd have to ask for a room extension, and there's no space for that here!" I had to grin after saying that.

"You are terrible."

"I know. And very much love it."

She simply tilted her head to the right, and put both hands on the hips. "I will have to correct you, one day."

"You can try ..." That statement held a challenge, one she was more than welcome to have a go at. Eventually. If she thought she could handle my madness.

"I... think, I am going to leave, now. I have, business, to finish... with Azimuth. But it was nice, to see you."

"You too, Kas. And try not to cause too much chaos with your big hips out there, yeah? Sorry for not making this as interesting as I thought it was going to be, again."

"I cannot promise." She paused for a second, now leaving only the right hand on her hips. Which looked even better. "It was fine. We talked, and... it was good. I will try to knock nothing over, here, now... on purpose."

She put quite deliberate emphasis on the 'on purpose'. And then turned away to walk out.

"Do you want me to open the door for you?", I asked, mostly out of politeness.

"I can, handle that.", Kasumi answered, and continued to wander away... trying as best she could to fit herself through the narrow spaces on the way out, almost taking out one of the chairs with her... but she was able to catch it before it fell over completely, and righted it again. Then went out the door.

I kept my eyes on her until it closed, gaze firmly locked to her lower rear half. And then sighed with my eyes closed, in sort of a content way, at knowing her. What a person. And what a body. Definitely made my 'plans' seem like a good idea... and also perfectly adequate, when compared to that size, though I hadn't quite finalized all of the finer details yet, in my head.

Then I looked around the place again.

I really did need to get rid of all this dust. Now where had I put the hoover, before leaving for that transport job a year and a half ago?
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︎2 Shiny!

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