Logbook entry

(not so) Freebird

08 Jun 2024Fleetwind
Captains log, 3310-06-08

It's a fine bit of irony that I was put away for piracy, and yet here I am again mixed up in another pirate-web I don't want to be in - I've been tasked by my esteemed parole officer to run equipment to Lushertha to help the citizens of that system fight against a growing pirate threat. Seems like my time in the detention facility wasn't enough to placate the powers that be, so I'm stuck doing these bullshit space-trucking jobs for who knows how long.

It would be a whole lot nicer if I could be bounty hunting to work off my parole time instead, but they still won't give me back my weapons permits, so all I can do right now is babysit my docking computer a thousand times jumping from station to station. Even with all my complaining, however, I know that this gig is a still 1000% nicer than lockup, so I'm just resigning myself to keep my head down and get through it. At least the credits are decent...
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