Logbook entry

Settling into Odyssey

15 Jun 2024Findos
Having arrived from the alternate Universe now known as Legacy (Console) and establishing my roots firmly here in the Live Universe the pace of life (gaming and real) has been as always busy! I find myself in a familiar Battle Rhythm of Juggling BGS, Scouring Star Systems and CG's for potential Recruits to the Squadron and offering my services to Allies I've made along the way!

Live sure feels more alive with more Cmdrs in Open than I am used to. This Universe with its Space Legs and all the additional game content loops associated with it certainly feels more alive, the Gods of this verse (Devs) presence can be felt with the live Thargoid War, Community goals, Presence of Galnet and the leaps forward in Technology the Manufacturers are making due to the new Research opportunities that have arisen in the Aftermath of the Destruction of the first Thargoid Titans!

With so many options I find myself always busy and not sucked into the Vortex of Perma BGS Management! Some of the Recruits to the Squadron have shown Excellent Quality and as always I've tried to reward them with Squadron Narrative in order to incentivise continued engagement with the game whilst encouraging them to chase their own Personal Aspirations and goals and grow as well rounded Cmdrs!

So what's the future for EFRC?

We Recruit, Rebuild, Engage, Learn, Adapt and Grow!

The Rank Structure within the Squad is taking shape and BGS is moving in our Favour close to home! We eagerly anticipate Powerplay 2.0 and the new features coming this year!

With the potential transfer of some major hitters from TEF1 in Legacy over to Live and a steady inflow of Recruits the future is looking Bright in the Live Universe! The Squadron is also in a bit of a Golden Age over in Legacy! I'll be flying in both Verse's albeit in a reduced Capacity on Legacy during these early days of growth and shaping for the Live Verse but the Community in Legacy is alive and thriving!

Fly Dangerously Cmdrs
Findos Out
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