Logbook entry

Star Date - Saturday 15 June, 3310 - 21:20

15 Jun 2024Allura Scentrix
It feels like a new day, but because of this weird new "inter-galactic" clock thingy, it's still the same day as my last log, even though I've slept during the night.

Anyway, I've managed to buy a Viper Mk 3 and got some semi decent weapons.
Done heaps of exploring - delivering sensitive data, black box recovery....even some kill jobs.

I thought I had to earn so much credits until the Pilot Federation gave me a new travel permit, but it seems I was wrong. I need to attain an "Elite" rank in either Combat, Trade or Exploration so I guess I'm here for a little bit longer.
It's actually good because I keep hearing more rumours of my parents - sounds like they weren't the straight-laced innocent people I thought they were - sounds like they had ties with some group called "The Harma SIlver Cartel". I'll need to do some more digging once I get to the next main system....
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︎0 Shiny!

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