Logbook entry

SWS//Rusty Shank Log 1

16 Jun 2024Batman2741
//entry one//Commander's log stardate 987536.99 02:57 we have reached the parrot head system to find platinum and to boldly go where all these mother fuckers have gone before *roll credits*

//entry two//Commander's log stardate 987536.99 12:46 after some mining we are now plotting to return to the bubble estimated profit is around 500mil i just hope the crew is happy it seems currently the pilot and the navigator might be hooking up it shouldn't be a problem for now if it becomes one, I will deal with it

//entry three//Commander's log stardate 987536.99 13:05 we have made our first jump of the return trip, and it seems the engineering crew has put a noise complaint about hearing the pilot's shall we say sounds coming from the navigator's room if this continues, I may have to let one of them go

//entry four//Commander's log stardate 98736.99 14:03 we have returned to the bubble and sold our hold the pilot and navigator are now more discrete and operations are back to normal we are currently headed to **redacted system** where we believe there is better mining in the rings of **redacted planet** end Log 1
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