Logbook entry

Ever changing space

17 Jun 2024Fleetwind
Captains log, 3310-06-17

I've finally been freed from the justice system with the expiration of my parole period - I'm once again a free man with good standing in the Pilot's Federation!

While in lockup, one tends to dream a lot about what they will do once freed, but once that freedom actually comes about it's common for those lofty goals to fade away. I've found myself in the position, to a degree. All the ideas I had laying on my cot in the detention facility seem to have become impossible with the changes that happened across the bubble during my absence. No matter, however - I'll just have to think up some new dreams!

For now, I've been spending my time split between hauling loads of Tritium to various fleet carriers and using my old smuggling skills to rescue those poor bastards trapped on stations in Thargoid contested space. Those damn bugs have certainly changed for the worst since the last time I ran across them before my imprisonment. Their new FSD interrupting missiles have been particularly bothersome, and I've been having to pull on every last smuggling trick I know to get away from those fast new interceptors when I'm running refugees to the rescue ships.

When I feel like I'm firmly back in the saddle combat wise I think I will update my anti-bug ships and go rejoin the fight against the Thargoids. Seems like all the AX pilots out there need all the help they can get.
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