Logbook entry

25 june 3310

25 Jun 2024Konnit
It's been 1 month and 18 days since the last entry. Things have changed.

Nahuatl. System with a population of 3.36 billion. With all the operations that happened there, we might have halved it a few times. It's finally under the aegis of Imperial Deathwatch. It wasn't easy. the earlier unmaintained player squadron, Gom, had reared its head from the ashes in the late stage of conquest and defended what was gathered under their banner since the retreat would transfer all the stuff they owned to us. It took 2 wars and a slugfest of bgs lever pulling and all the other possible things it was completed. If there is a cemetery world dedicated to that system it probably was filled twice over with corpses of Gom loyalists.

Blood is calling for vengeance against them. Its call is hard to resist. It would be nice to gather the skulls of their loyalist. Blood and Skulls. Blood for the blood god. Skulls for the Skull Throne. It's hard to resist its call.

We managed to do it. Somehow. It was tiring to keep the faction influence low and long enough till the retreat happened.

Next Titan is going vulnerable. Attacking it will be a fun thing to do. Xeno monster was long enough in our galaxy. Mankind's birthright is the stars themselves. We survived where others died. We spread through the stars while other possible pieces died.

We stand.
We survive.
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︎1 Shiny!

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