Logbook entry

Escape from Gamma

27 Jun 2024N.Copernicus
Logbooks of CMDR Copernicus
Date: September 10, 3309

Start of Entry

Personal log entry - Commander's record: Escape from Gamma

Outside, the wreckage of the destroyed Scorpion glowed in the cold of space. That was close Nic, but it's not over yet - I thought, biting my lips. What happens now! Think about it! What was the most pressing question? Yes, who knew about our visit and wanted to prevent us from analyzing the encrypted data storage of the former crew? The attack pointed to a secret base that was not part of the original installation. We did not know the location of this base or its exact purpose. We had to assume that other armed troops of unknown strength and weaponry were active there. We were not prepared for an attack, nor do we currently have the means to withstand further attacks, let alone explore an armed, secret base. This is no time for heroics, I have to get my crew out of this situation safely.

"We have to call the Cerberus," I said resolutely. "Frey, you take over communications. Inform them of our situation and that there are enemy troops on this rock. They need to land as close as possible to the original base, as it is very likely that we will come under fire. And we don't want to make it that easy for our new fan club." Frey nodded and immediately began to contact the Cerberus. I turned to the rest of the team. "Get ready for things to heat up. We don't know how many enemies are out there. Keep your eyes open and be ready for anything." While Frey briefed the Cerberus, the rest of us prepared for the battle ahead. The tension in the air was palpable, and I could see the nervousness on the faces of my crew. But we were determined to see this mission through. "Commander, the Cerberus is on its way," Frey reported. "They will switch to silent running and use decoys to evade enemy scanners." "Understood," I replied. "Get everyone ready. We leave in five minutes."

The minutes passed agonizingly slowly until finally the sound of the incoming Cerberus broke our tension. The dropship approached in a risky roll as the first energy weapons took it under fire, lighting up the darkness of the sky. The enemy's targeting was of limited use as the ship blanketed the sky with decoys that streaked across the station like golden stars. The Cerberus' deflector shields flashed again and again from minor hits as it launched another approach. Suddenly it stood almost still over one of the supply buildings, where, judging by the muzzle flash, our new fan club had taken up residence. Just at the moment when the muzzle flashes from this location increased significantly and the surroundings were bathed in white light by short bursts of fire, the Cerberus spoke. Her flak launchers kept their voice and this voice sowed death and destruction in the ranks of the enemy. A high-pitched whistle, then the detonation of the flak cores, which transformed into thousands of razor-sharp shrapnel. The projectiles shredded everything in their range - plastic, armor, flesh and bone. The Cerberus now turned around, left the enemy troops behind and began to land in front of our station.

"Okuma, Pears, secure the landing zone," I ordered. The two of them immediately set off to secure the area.

Suddenly, shots rang out. "Enemy troops are approaching! We're under fire!" Okuma reported over the radio. "Everyone to the dropship!" I shouted and ran. Energy charges tore through the darkness and explosions shook the ground around us. The Cerberus deployed more decoys, shooting bright lights into the sky and confusing the enemy targeting systems. We reached the dropship while Okuma and Pears returned fire and provided cover. "Go, go, go!" I yelled as we rushed into the dropship.

"Take off!" I ordered the pilot. The Cerberus took off and the engines roared as it accelerated. More explosions rocked the ship, but the decoys and silent running protected us from the worst of it.

"We've made it," Sanders gasped beside me. But I knew we weren't safe yet. "Set a course for the carrier Dreamland," I ordered the pilot. "Full speed." We sped through the atmosphere and out into space, leaving the enemy troops behind us. But the danger wasn't over yet. We had to make it to Dreamland. "Frey, send a distress signal. The Dreamland must be ready to pick us up immediately," I said. "Understood, Commander," Frey replied and immediately began transmitting.

"There's something coming our way. It took off from the planet with us. Wait, it's a Krait MKII, no shield, high speed," the pilot said, pointing to the scanner.

"No protective shield? Freighter?" Frey repeated and looked at me. "Oh, no - I'm feeling really bad vibes here. That's not a freighter!" Kiefers grumbled and grimaced. I looked at the scanner, which showed the Krait MKII moving quickly towards us. "That's not a freighter. It's a hull tank," I said grimly. "Pilot, evasive maneuver! Then immediately activate frameshift to the carrier. Frey, have the Dreamland prepare defensive measures. We might need their firepower to take this thing out."

A hull tank, it flashed through my mind. We don't stand a chance against this ship. I've seen frigates destroyed by ships like this before. Armored, fast and deadly - usually equipped with plasma launchers in combination with modified gauss cannons. We have to be smart and keep a cool head. We are the rabbit, the MKII is the wolf - let's hope the rabbit runs fast enough and makes a lot of hooks.

The pilot immediately began maneuvering the Cerberus in an erratic flight pattern to shake off the pursuing krait. "Hang on tight, guys! This is going to be tough," the pilot warned. "Frameshift charged!!! 3-2-1 engage!" The Cerberus went into supercruise, left normal space and immediately set course for Dreamland. Time dragged on, we stared at the displays and hoped that the krait wouldn't pull us out of the supercruise. "Come on, one more piece! Come on, come on - don't leave us hanging!" said the pilot as he stared at the distance display.

With a shudder, the Cerberus left the supercruise. Our carrier ship Dreamland was in front of us, close enough to touch. "Accelerate!" I shouted.

"Dreamland, this is the Cerberus. We have an enemy, heavily armored Krait MKII breathing down our necks. We need immediate support on our arrival," Frey announced urgently. "Roger that, Cerberus. Defense systems are online. We'll cover your approach," came the reply from the Dreamland as the Krait left the supercruise at the same moment.

The Krait MKII quickly closed the distance, charging the plasma accelerators to deliver a single, devastating strike. "He's catching up!" shouted Pears, clutching his seat tightly. "Deploy all remaining decoys and prepare for impact!" I ordered. "All hands, stand by!" The Cerberus shuddered as it fired the last of its decoys, and bright flares lit up the darkness of the room behind us. The Krait MKII weaved its way through the decoys and took aim at its target. But just as it neared its target, the Dreamland's defense turrets came to life. Beams of concentrated energy shot out, hitting the krait and causing it to tremble violently.

"Direct hit from the Dreamland!" exclaimed Frey. "But he's still coming!"

The krait, heavily damaged and dragging debris behind it, continued its relentless approach. But another salvo from the Dreamland's turrets finally found its target. The Krait MKII exploded in a bright flash of light, parts of it flying off into nothingness.

"Target destroyed," came the calm voice of the Dreamland's tactical officer. I exhaled a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. "Take us in, pilot. Let's go home."

As we docked with the Dreamland, the hangar doors closed behind us, shutting out the dangers of the void. My crew looked exhausted but relieved. "Good work, guys," I said, looking at each and every one of them. "But this isn't over yet. We still have a mystery to solve."

"Agreed, Commander," Frey said. "But at least we're safe now."

I nodded, knowing that the real work was just beginning. We had to find out the truth behind the secret base and the forces that were trying to stop us. And we would do it together.

End of Entry
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