Logbook entry

Favors and Profit Potential

28 Jun 2024Vasil Vasilescu
Following from: Title of Marque last Chapter

(and RP interactions between Vodan and Vasil, with a little extra at the end)

“Da phuq are you?”

The question was as direct and as brusque as Vasil expected from a raider. Especially from one that nearly had his carrier gutted in close quarter fighting with another carrier.

Vasil called up the stellar charts. “I am someone willing to trade something I have, for something you have,” said Vasil while pre plotting a random course of ten jumps with varying lengths and directions to confuse anyone trying to follow him once he left the system. “I won’t be in system much longer, and to be honest it looks like a loud fart could finish off your carrier. So, lets get straight to business, shall we?”

Vasil slowly aligned the Long Road to the first jump destination and began exiting the debris cloud to get a clear line of sight. Small bits of wreckage, impossible to avoid in the dense debris field left by colliding carriers, sparked off the Type 9’s shields and were nudged away.

“Of course, if you are not interested…”

Almost literally biting his tongue, Vodan paused and silenced the mic. The guy was right. At this point a cutting remark could cripple the Anansi.

He pointed at seat belt guy and commanded "Fuckin find him"

Seat belt guy didn't feel like testing Vodan's last nerve. The captain seemed to be almost vibrating with rage. The problem was, the only way the Anansi could 'find him' was if everyone looked out a window, and the guy waved back.

"Yes sir" he said, then quietly ordered the last of the fleet still outside to find him.

taking a few calming breaths through his nose, Vodan activated the mic, and tried to stay reasonable.

"Give me my fucking price"

He'd set up this fight. He'd got the band together, he'd held out against the storm while everyone else fuck about, and he was the only one with nothing but his dick in his hand. Everyone else seemed to have got, or be getting something out of this. Even this fuckin guy.

Vasil used the cargo control panel to start moving pods into position for quick release “Lucky for you I’m cheap. Just don’t let that get around. All I want for Red Jade is the same thing you were going to give to the Snow Queen, Lady Lambast.”

Vasil could not bring himself to say Creamy’s name. It just felt strangely uncomfortable saying Creamy Goodness, or Lord Creamy, or any other variation. “If you give me the location of Little Lord Pompadour, I’ll drop Red Jade along with some of the Anansi pods I’ve managed to pick up and I’ll be on my way.”

Normally he’d say nothing more because the person who spoke the most in a negotiation tended to be the one more desperate to close a deal. However, sometimes a decent trader needed to sprinkle in some flavor and play to the person by slightly aping their tone and mannerisms.

“Unlike that popsicle-up-the-ass Snow Queen who did not bother to show up and get a taste of this shit pie situation, I am right here, right now with this limited time offer.”

"Oh yeah right, gee wizz. I wouldn't want to waste your time mister, boy howdy"

Vodan cut coms again.

"Ready the Bar. The shit wizard is still here somewhere by what he's saying"

The Bar was an Asp Ex loaded with rail guns, lasers and FSD disruption missiles to support the ship-capture vessels in Vodans fleet. In a pinch, it could disable and capture non-combat ships itself.

Transfusing the call to his headset, Vodan made for the bay elevators, giving one last order as he left the command room.

"I want everyone still out there looking for this dildo sounding dog fucker. Find him NOW!"

If there was one person Vodan was sick of hearing about, it was Creamy fucking Goodness. They had crossed paths years ago, and the man had been a curse upon Vodan ever since. Now he was on his way to a ship, Vodan opened the call again.

"Right, right, yeah, ok. I got that right here in my pocket. I'll just throw it out an air lock and wait for you to come along and get it right?"

The elevator door opened and Vodan got in viciously jabbing at the bay button.

"Then I guess you'll drop off Jade and my guys, yeah? I'll just take your word for it. I mean, I got to command a carrier full of nasty bastards by believing strangers, and not checking the merchandise before paying up"

Thinking about checking the merchandise and Creamy made Vodan remember the covas unit Creamy had him remove from the AX fighter the Imperial left in Vodan's hanger. Bell got a beautifully decked out Dolphin by capturing the guy while he was swanning about the galaxy being a poser, and Vodan gets a fucking utilitarian AX Krait for bringing Creamy back, and having him willingly submit to interrogation. There was no justice.

While he waited for the stranger with the pods to get back to him, Vodan called Thade.

"Hey Thade. We still got that Covas we took out of Creamy's Krait? And bring me a black box, and an audio recorder"

Vasil understood the level of distrust given the situation and that Vodan, in his own way, had a point. He’d not come into command of a raider carrier by trusting random voices on the comm. Even in the situation he found himself, Vodan remained focused and in control. That meant he remained dangerous.

At this point, Vasil felt he had to disturb the focus and control.

“Don’t give me any bullshit, asshole. The trust goes both ways, so how am I to know you are not going to lie about Pompadour’s location? I’m willing to make a straight deal, which you’ve probably never been a part of, but the longer you take offering up the information the more nervous I get. That makes me think you are planning something.”

Vasil eased the Long Road to a stop now that the debris field had cleared enough for an unobstructed line of sight to the next system.

“The fact is, you want Jade way more than I want Pompadour. So, you don’t get to negotiate. Here’s the deal. You have sixty seconds to get me the info and receive one Red Jade in return. Otherwise, I’m leaving the system. And before I do, just to be an ass, maybe I’ll broadcast over open comms why you really want the Jester’s captain, and even drop Jade near the Nila when I do.”

Vasil directed Victor to begin a one-minute jump countdown and broadcast it over the secured comm. “If anyone comes within weapons range or tries a mass lock before the 60 seconds is up, I hit the go button early.”

Victor, ever the helpful COVAS, politely counted down the seconds.

Yeah, that was a pretty strong bargaining position Vodan had to agree as he hopped and jumped across the pad to his ship. Whoever this guy was, he had a pretty good grasp of the situation, real well-informed for some guy that happened to be in system. Could he be one of the pilots from Nila, or Ophois? Maybe one of Jades own people that didn't want to be on the losing team.

No no, he knew too much to be one of Jade's people. It was more likely he was one of Vodans own. At least someone that was in the command room while the captains hashed out the final stages of the plan. A plan that had gone to shit.

"Hey, fuck wit. Don't try big dicking me. You think you know what's going on, but you don't know shit. I have no fucking idea where Creamy is. What I was offering Mercy was a ticket to see someone that may know where he is. And as the Master would have no fucking reason to see you, and as you couldn't give two shits about Goodness, we're both kind of fucked"

"What I do have is Creamy's black box I salvaged off the ship he took to see the master. For you, that's the best I can do. Unless you really want to go see someone that will think nothing of turning you in to a greasy stain for wasting his time. Up to you, pillow biter"

This was an unexpected complication but not insurmountable. Vasil inwardly scolded himself for assuming the deal between Mercy and Vodan was as clean-cut as a simple trade. He, of all people, should have known that no trade is ever simple. Not having the location would mean he’d have to work a more in-depth deal with Lady Lambast concerning trading the Covas for favors establishing an ERS settlement on Cubeo.

Vasil remained quiet, considering the pros and cons of continuing with the trade. Even after deciding to continue, he said nothing, letting the COVAS make it all the way to seven seconds before stopping the countdown.

“Okay, lets talk. Jade for the COVAS.” Vasil sent his current coordinates at the edge of the debris cloud. “I’ll meet you here. Bring one, ship. If anything else shows up, gets within 1 klik, starts deploying hardpoints, or I just don’t feel good about something, I hit a preprogrammed jump and I am gone in 4.”

"Agreed?" Vasil left the channel open and began entering commands to Victor through cockpit consoles, readying ECM, the dorsal and ventral point defenses, and setting a limpet rotation so there were always three idle collectors and a repair deployed.

At fucking last! This guy maybe a dirt bag traitor, but at least he knew how to cut a deal. This was still a tense situation. The Anansi probably still had enough ships and pilots to capture this guy, but there was only one Red Jade, and Vodan needed her to pass the Title of Marque to him; getting it ratified by an imperial court was a problem for later.

If this guy ran, there was a good chance Vodan's men were not the first to catch him. The sheer concentration of Vengerfiled's forces in Summerland maybe keeping chancers at bay, but that wouldn't hold outside Summerland Eight. Both Vodan and this guy would be fair game to mercs looking to cash in on the Imperial bounty. Everything but a deal risked Red Jade's pod getting cracked.

Thade came flying out the elevator carrying the covas, a black box and recorder. As he went to fetch the goods, Vodan agreed to the strangers terms.

"Yeah ok you got it. See what happens when your reasonable? So, I'll be coming in an Asp, The Bar, and just like you, I'm gonna be twitchy as fuck. If anyone you don't know dose turn up, its not fucking me, right? I'm not a dumb ass. This is a hot zone, and anything could happen, but I'll play the meet clean. You got my word"

On the way to the meet, Vodan cloned the covase and black box ID onto the spare. After that he started recording a song about fucking dog to put on the fake black box.

He’ll be coming up a doggie when he comes. He’ll be coming up a doggie when he comes. .. ..

Finishing two verses of the song, Vodan turned the volume up and recorded a warning to play before and after the song.

WARNING! WARNING! This guy a PUPPY FIDDLER. He will FUCK YOUR DOGS! Never let this man lift a tail.

All a captain really had at the end of the day was his reputation. If his word wasn't worth shit, he wasn't much of a captain, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to have a back up plan in case this guys word was also worth shit.

Vasil kept the comm channel open but muted. While waiting on Vodan, he checked that Victor had staged the biosignature swap from Red Jade’s escape pod to the damaged one containing, as Victor described it, hyper-ruptured human biomass. Vasil hoped whoever opened that pod had a strong stomach.

On his cargo control screen, Vasil highlighted the damaged pod, along with pods containing two dozen of Vodan’s raiders and another half dozen damaged pods, and marked them all for emergency jettison. The steady thrum of automated machinery moving the pods into place vibrated up though the ship, ending just before the scanners picked up an approaching ship.

Vasil had been using only passive scanners to help hide his electronic signature, but once Vodan came within range, Vasil switched to active and sent a discovery pulse to let the raider know where he was.

Vasil direct linked Red Jade’s biosignature showing her as healthy and in pod sleep along with a video feed of her pod from the cargo bay. “I suppose you’ve come looking for Sleeping Beauty. Well, here she is,” said Vasil. “Now… the COVAS?”

Smiling, Vodan had to laugh. It looked like this guy didn't do this often.

"Yeah, I'm all over it. Two minuets"

Plugging Creamy's blackbox into his coms system, Vodan pinged the box ID over to the Long Road chuckling as he did so. Then, he snapped an image of the blackbox with his left hand in frame, giving a thumbs up, and sent that too. He wanted to put a flashing banner on the picture saying with todays date :

The Genuine Atrial

But that was pushing the point a bit too hard.

"So, you've never made a trade like this have you? It's not like in the holos man; gangsters are people too. Heheh. Want me to talk you through it?"

All manner of snide replies came to Vasil’s mind but he kept them on their leashes. No sense letting them go and getting into a verbal dick stomping contest with the man, only to upset what tenuous cordiality there happened to be. Vasil also did not want to give Vodan any more time to think or act by bantering with him.

Vasil said calmly, with a tone that left no doubt what he said was non-negotiable. “In thirty seconds, you eject the box, I eject Red, we take our packages and go on our separate ways. The end.”

The Long Road’s main cargo hatch sprung open and the limpets waiting patiently around the ship awoke, turning their scanners toward the Bar in expectation. Vasil toggled the comm channel to mute, video going dark and leaving Vodan with a 30 second timer accompanied by Mozart’s Non Piu’ Andrai as hold music.

“Victor, stand by to switch Marcella Enciso biosignature with Pod 2 and jettison all tagged cargo at my mark.” Vasil listed to the countdown, kept an eye on the limpet board for when one of them tagged the black box, and waited for Vodan to make the next move, which, if he was lucky, would be ejecting the black box for recovery.

The dead coms line told Vodan everything he needed to know. There was two universal truth about making trades. If they want you to look in the box, they don't want you looking at something else. If they don't let you look in the box, the thing you want isn't in it. This should be simple, they each had something the other wanted, so a friendly trade should be made.

Chancers always fucked it up.

It would take Vodan longer than thirty seconds to get the covas down to the cargo bay, and he wasn't about to throw it out the window. There was no point in rushing, if the Long Road was going to run, he'd run. Double checking he was not on the channel to the Long Road, (A mistake he'd made before) Vodan called Thade.

"Got my sensor logs?" he asked on the way to the cargo bay.

"Yep, already looking into who the pilot is, and checking the registry. If its fake we'll find out soon"

"Fuck around and find out. If Red ain't in the tube, this knob jockey will find out"

There was the covas, and there was the blackbox with the dog song. Everything told Vodan he should drop the dog song, but he really wanted Red Jade. Making his choice, Vodan strapped the covas to a limpet. and loaded it.

Knowing Red Jade was probably only a couple of hundred KM away was too tempting. If anything did go wrong, the Bar should have enough data on the Long Road to find out its history, and his guys were great at tracking running ships.

After having the limpet target the covas strapped to its own case, Vodan launched it and made his way back to the cockpit.

The limpet, doing its best to grab the cargo on it case, span under the Bar like a top in a wide circle. If the Long Road was going to play a shell game, so was Vodan.

Vasil knew full well it would be impossible to make it from the cockpit to cargobay and eject the box in half a minute. He’d used the arbitrary time only as a means to irritate Vodan with amateurish trade tactics, to try and keep Vodan's focus on this jackass he had to deal with rather than springing any surprises.

It surprised Vasil when Vodan did not protest the timeframe in his rather colorful means of disparaging others. Instead, he took his time. If Vodan had any last second surprises for Vasil, they were already planned, much like Vasil had already planned his and had it ready to be jettisoned. More than likely, Vodan figured Valdis wanted the COVAS just as much as he wanted Red Jade and he’d make the wanna-be tough guy Valdis wait.

Vasil let the timer expire, but to reinforce the image Vodan had of dealing with an amateur, he increased the volume on the operatic music every 30 seconds. Vasil assumed the passive-aggressiveness would not urge Vodan to move any faster, but hoped it might irritate the hell out of him, and Vasil found that amusing.

One of the Long Road’s collectors shot off toward the COVAS as soon as it was detected and entered into a wrestling match with Vodan’s limpet. Thruster microbursts sent the locked limpets spiraling off in random directions, their manipulator arms slap-fighting one another for control of the black box.

Vasil quickly locked in the dervishing COVAS target. “Victor, get that COVAS. Maintain limpet lock. Priority target. Don’t lose it!”

Vodan had sprung his little surprise, now it was Vasil’s turn. “Victor, jettison in three, two, one, mark.”

Victor switched Red Jade’s biosignature to the pod with the hyper-ruptured remains and began machinegun jettisoning pods. The targeting array flooded with a growing cloud of tumbling pods. Lost somewhere within the storm of pods containing Vodan’s people, damaged pods with corpses, and abandoned, dead limpets, was the one pod with Red Jade’s biosignature.

A DNA analysis could prove the meat paste remains of the unfortuate person in the crushed pod was not Red Jade, but the attached biosignature gave the appearance that the pod had been compromised while roiling around like shrimp in a boiling pot with the other ejected cargo.

Vasil maneuvered the Long Road toward the battling limpets while maintaining the jump vector to the next system, leaving Vodan to sort out the mess he’d left behind.

When he got back to the cockpit, Vodan found the scope flooded with contacts. That's pretty much what he expected. He contemplated laying into the Long Road, it didn't seem to have good shields. There was the chance its pilot may know where Red Jade was in that mess, and ram her pod out of spite.

Speaking of the Type 9, it was moving in to manually scoop the covas, the only real choice he had while the drones argued. As the Long Road shifted its massive bulk into position, Vodan moved the Bar in the way and activated his point defence to interfere with Long Roads drones.

He had to make a choice. Disable the Long Road while it was easy to hit, or get Red Jade out of danger. Again, his gut told Vodan to use the Railguns and disrupter missiles, but if Jade was in that mess there was a chance her pod could get breached. With out Red Jade, Vodan couldn't make her pass him the Letter of Marque.

"Fukkin bovine botherer" cursed Vodan as he put up the info Long Roads pilot had sent about Jade's pod.

Focusing on the pods, Vodan scrolled through each one looking for Jade in the jetsam.

Vasil grunted. He probably would have done something similar if he were in Vodan’s place, so he could not be upset. That did not stop him from being frustrated, though. Vasil checked the cargo list. Nearly a third of his 600 ton cargo capacity was unprogrammed limpets.

“Okay, let’s play this little game.”

Vasil set the limpet controller to auto-launch and to always keep at least four in continuous operation. He felt certain he had enough to outlast Vodan’s limpets and harassing point defense. He also had enough to do more creative things.

Vasil angled the Long Road so its cargo hatch faced the limpets tussling over the COVAS, and waited for the Bar to get in between the limpets and the Long Road. “Victor, force jettison three limpets.”

Makeshift limpet cannons don’t do anything to a shielded ship, but they are guaranteed to catch someone’s attention if they make contact.

The Long Road slowly closed the distance to the COVAS, the belly of the Type drifting and soon looming closer to the Bar. “Pardon me, I believe that is mine. Yours is over there with the others.”

"Hahah. Pushy little cock sucker" laughed Vodan shield checking the bigger ship.

The Asp Ex may handle like a rock, but the Long Road was a bigger rock, much bigger. There was no pushing that thing about.

"Vodan, we got him. Vasil Vasilescu, and he's got oh so much to loose. Plenty to fuck with if we need to" Reported Thade.

Double checking the coms to Long Road were muted, Vodan answered his second in command.

"Got gun to the head opportunities, Thade?"

"Aplenty Vodders. He's got his fingers in so many pies, and he's an Imp nob. Reputation to worry about and all that"

"Ha" Well Basil Vasilescu.."

"It's Vasil, Vodan. Vasil Vasilescu" Thade corrected.

"Well Vasil Vasilescu better not disappoint me right now, or I'll see to it he disa-fuckin-points every toothy twat in his la-de-da family"

So, this guy was an Imp nob too? They seemed to be every fuckin where these days. Vodan was reminded of Creamy yet again, a man Vodan had given his word to about the covas. The Imp twat had gone to Vengerfield's fold willingly, giving Vodan his life back, so the least he could do was pass on the Covas to some one that may care to find out what had become of him. Vodan had kept forgetting about the damn thing for months now any way.

"Alright Thade, I'll stop fucking with him, but I want three people to keep track of that ship. I'll scan his wake, coz if he's double crossed me, I want to know wher.. THATS THE POD!"

Finding a match for the info Vasil sent, Vodan moved the Bar off through a cloud of buzzing limpets to claim his prize.

The judder from Vodan’s shield check that rippled through the Long Road made Vasil grin. He understood it as Vodan’s acknowledgement he was moving out of the way not because of being intimidated, but because Vasil had the advantage in mass.

A quick boost from one of the limpets wrestling over the COVAS sent the pair careening into the Long Road and bouncing away, both dead from the impact. Another limpet raced in to scoop up the tumbling COVAS and bring it in.

“Dammit!” spat Vasil. All he needed was for the COVAS to be damaged and useless.

The Bar boosting over to the decoy pod with Red Jade’s biosignature reminded Vasil that the COVAS was only a means to an end that could be achieved other ways. It just a shortcut to a bigger prize for which his sister, Octavia, would reap all of the benefits. Pentru Familie și Imperiu was on the Vasilecu coat of arms. For Family and Empire.

His actions had led to the end of an Imperial legacy and, quite possibly, an Imperial family. In his cargo hold the last Red Jade, Marcela Enciso Ruiz y Hidalgo, slept in an escape pod marked with “Unknown Occupant.” There was one more thing he could do to help ensure the unrecognizable remains in the decoy pod were assumed to be her.

Vasil opened the comm channel. “Hey asshole, I am sure the feeling is mutual when I say it has not been a pleasure, and I hope we never do business again, but do me a favor. Tell the girl that handing her over to you was not personal. It was just better business.”

Vasil kicked the thrusters to full and engaged the pre-progamed jump, disappearing in a silent blink of light.

* * *

The Anansi limped through the systema, having to stop every few hundred lightyears to let the FSD cool off. On board, in one of the executive landing pads sat the Bar, Vodan’s Asp. In the Bar’s cargo bay, Vodan and Thade stood beside the open pod, looking at the pinkish goo inside.

“So, what is it?” asked Vodan prodding a lump in the oatmeal like goop.

“Don’t dip your finger in it, god sake. I’m analyzing a sample now”

Motor sounds and other complicated noises issued from a device Thade had wheeled in once the frost on the pod's window melted.

“Smells like soup, or nutri-paste” offered Vodan with his finger under his nose. “The cat banger filled a pod with nutri-paste. What a wanker”

The analyzer offered up its findings on a little screen for Thade to read.

“No, not nutri-paste, it was people. Well, a person”

“Ergh” ejected Vodan wiping his finger on Thade’s sleeve. “Who is it?”

Thade took a step back to stay out of Vodan’s reach and aimed a scathing WTF look at his boss. “Well, I don’t know. They’ve had a haircut or something since last time I saw them”

Shaking his head, Thade pinched the bridge of his nose. He still had a headache from the crash, and it had been a tough day all round. “Who fuckin is it, he says. Jesus!”

“Alright, don’t get smart asshole. I mean, if its Jade, maybe we can use the DNA to fool the letter.. “

Thade had to interrupt him. He knew where Vodan was going, and it was pointless. “If, we managed to find one of her thumbs in there, then.. .. We still wouldn’t have a fucking chance. That's a stupid idea. Anyway, it’s not Jade. That pressure accident isn’t even female”

“Eeerrrr” Groned Vodan sitting on the pod. “So the bird buggerer did pull a switch” He closed his eyes and tipped his head back “If they don’t let you look in the box..”

There was a long exhalation and a pause before Vodan continued.

“Ok, so do we know where he is?”

“Yep. Could only send one ship.. Honestly, we only had one ship left that was kitted up to follow someone. Lucky Vasil’s in a T9 really, or we’ed be fucked”

“Cool cool. Good chance he’s really got Jade in his hold, so let me know if he makes a drop, meets up with another ship or whatever. If he lands before any of that, get me a squad ready. Have we got a squad left?”

Thade rocked his hand side to side like a scales.

“Oh, right, yeah. Welp fuck it. I’m going for a pint and maybe some sleep”

Standing up, Vodan floated down the open cargo hatch. Before his boots hit the deck, he called back to Thade.

“Oh and Bell. Let me know when Bell makes contact yeah? See ya”

* * *

A Dawes Hub robotic stevedore lift removed the last of the recovered escape pods from the Long Road and set them on a Search and Rescue sled for processing. Among the 273 escape pods, Red Jade slept in number 103, but under an unknown biosignature. Vasil guessed that it would give her another 48-72 hours of anonymity before her pod was processed and she was brought back into the waking world.

Vasil ruled out taking the recovered escape pods back to the Emerald Dawn. These were not refugees fleeing the Thargoids, and it was best keep both the Emerald Repatriation Society and the Vasilecu family insulated from anything to do with the privateer, Red Jade.

No, best to treat the pods like any other after-battle recoveries and hand them all over to a Search and Rescue agent in a secure, Imperial system. And you can’t get any more Imperial or secure than Achenar. As far as he was aware, he’d not been tailed from Summerland, but he could not be certain.

At least she’d wake in a friendly place. From here, Marcela “Red Jade” Enciso was on her own; There was not much more he could do for her. However, before leaving the station, and to help ensure a warm welcome for Red Jade, Vasil sent a message to Major Anton Stiles of the IISS, who had been fighting alongside Red Jade at Summerland.

Major Stiles,

Captain Marcela Enciso of the Destinies Jester was safely recovered from the battle at Summerland 8b and transported to Dawes Hub in Achenar. You may also find it interesting that several raider escape pods from the Anansi were also transported there.

Vasil Vasilescu

Then, there was also the matter of dealing with the COVAS from Lord Creamy’s ship. Diagnostic tests showed that it had not been severely damaged by the scrum of limpets trying to wrest control of it from one another, or when it collided with the Long Road. The housing was not in the best physical shape, but the data integrity check passed. Vasil also ran voice and interaction diagnostics but ended them soon after starting. Somehow it did not surprise him the COVAS, Ninette, was French.

“Yeah, yeah. Bonsoir, crème brule’ and La Marseillaise,” said Vasil ending the tests. He secured the COVAS and prepared for the return to the Emerald Dawn.

The trip from Achenar to the Emerald Dawn in Mangwutja was uneventful, though bothersome for Vasil. Leaving Achenar with 600 tons of empty space felt like wasted profit opportunity. Creamy’s COVAS had the potential for vast returns of more than just credits, but currently it was all unrealized gain. Once settled in his office on the Emerald Dawn Vasil started working toward making the potential gain more tangible by contacting Lambast and adding Ninette’s COVAS registry to the message.

Lady Lambast,

I believe I have something that may be of use to you. I’d be happy to meet and discuss the details of a transfer at a time and place convenient for you.

Vasil Vasilescu
Emerald Repatriation Society
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︎6 Shiny!

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