Logbook entry

In Space you are not alone

06 Jul 2024Marcus Bronco
Alliance sector
Perez Ring Brewery HQ
Lakon Spaceways Diamondback Explorer - Firefly, 2-3 FC
Stardate : 3310-07-06 1334 UTC

The life of a freelancer ain't easy, especially in Space. This is one of the reason why after the recent past events that tormented my dreams and over which I will never be able nor in the future to reach a conclusion (was my brother Antares Dioskouri an agent with a double life or just the victim of an accident or maybe else is true?), I, CMDR Marcus Bronco, decided, to join the Alliance of Edmund Mahon as a wingman of Squadron 1-0-Delta lead by the notorious CMDR Tom Crag, in support of Perez Ring Brewery activities.

Not just for the location benefits, fascinated by the high quality Beer and products Perez is capable to deliver into the market, I offered my services as a consultant and jack of all trades freelancer to help the faction objectives and mission.
My family experience in exobiology, preservation and research of native species as well as the innate sixth sense in the development of beauty and fabulous scents projects, an activity that involved the Dioskouroi family for long time (before the full divestiture into Pollux Purple Galactic Inc. hands) fits perfectly in the Brewery core business development.

Here involved in a detailed surveying activity far from the headquarters.

However now as wingman of the 10DS under Tom Crag command, I am determined to raise the level of my knowledge in flying and to better my fighter pilot skills.
Back in the days I was lucky to receive a high quality training from my brother, as Antares was happy to daily transfer methods and high level standards to me when he came back from the Jedi Flight School in Azeban City (where he graduated in class 180248). Spending a lot of time near his ships in the family garage fixing Bucephalus, his training Faulcon DeLacy Sidewinder, I could naturally absorb the unique knowledge every evening I was all ears and waiting to be exposed to.

This is a captain log update to record my expertise has been put to work but especially to warn anyone who might be interested, following my oath to Edmund Mahon cause, I will operate as a vigilante along the corporate teams enlisted by the Alliance forces in the "Green bubble".
Future updates will stay classified rule until higher command rules them out of this status.

My log entries will thus refer on freelance jobs, private encounters, exploration, research and declassified missions I run as a freelancer in team or alone in space, ...apart from the fact we are never alone in Space.

Capitan log end---
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