Logbook entry

Emerald Dawn Operations Report, 24JUL3310

24 Jul 2024Vasil Vasilescu
Emerald Dawn (V2Q-3HY), Mangwutja
As of 0832Z24JUL3310

Passenger resettlement to Tuareg A1 has reduced the strain on berthing and resources. Passenger Berthing is at 73% capacity, (36,864 evacuees) with a projected 82% within the next 30 days. Emerald Dawn continues to accept transfers from Errand of Mercy (EoM), though arrivals from EoM are down 18% from the previous month. Individuals arriving from EoM continue to be the primary source of labor for settlement construction and post Thargoid station repairs.

Cargo Holds are at 62% capacity. Foodstuffs and medicines are currently the most requested items. Supply vessels continue to report elevated pirate activity in independent systems. Impact of pirate activity on operations is still negligible at this time.

Tritium Depot is at 100% capacity with another 1000 tons in reserve. At current passenger and cargo levels, this is estimated to provide roughly 4000 LY worth of jumps, which is more than enough to allow extended repositioning within the bubble without the need to refuel.

Two AX fighters and a civilian craft sustained damage during a xeno ambush in the Unktety system. One AX pilot and eight civilians required treatment for injuries sustained during the attack. Three civilians remain under medical observation. They are in stable condition and are expected to be released within the next 48 hours.

Field repairs were sufficient to return the AX fighters to duty within 24 hours. The civilian craft suffered heavy damage from corrosive attacks. Complete repairs of the civilian vessel’s hull and systems were beyond the Emerald Dawn’s capability so the vessel was transferred to dry dock at Pond Hub, Mangwutja, for a complete overhaul.

Emerald Dawn recently hosted Emerald Repatriation Society (ERS) founder and director Octavia Vasilescu. The Director spent two days aboard the Emerald Dawn meeting with crew and passengers, where she reaffirmed ERS commitment to supporting displaced citizens.

The Imperial Slave Association have completed an unscheduled inspection of the Emerald Dawn. They found no violations, giving ERS and the Emerald Dawn a final rating of 94%. Areas for which improvement is required are listed as:
1) Reducing storage time in cryo pods.
2) Quicker submission of slave transfer information to the ISA.

Inspectors arranged for the transportation to an ISA facility of 152 slave pods which ERS had seized from non ISA traders as suspected illegal slaves due to incomplete documentation.

Captain Harlan Whitney
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