Logbook entry

Independent Pilot Reported Missing

28 Jul 2024Jana Razeki
Author's note - this entry is in relation to my previous log, the 'series' of which will be continued on my main account. And it will quickly turn into a lot of blasting of undesirable figures... if you get it. If you don't, let's just say, you will once it gets there.

Local news broadcast
Subject: Missing independent pilot
Category: Thargoid War Updates

As the situation at the war front surrounding Titan Raijin continues to evolve, it appears the Thargoids may have struck yet another blow to human resistance forces. Independent pilot Jana Razeki, who has been assisting defensive and counterstrike efforts around Raijin after the fall of Titan Oya, has officially been declared missing, presumably while fighting Thargoid forces, after several days of unexplained absence.

Her last known whereabouts were in the Samnienas system, from where she departed the Avicenna Gateway facility to one of the nearby Thargoid-controlled systems. Some of the local anti-xeno forces reportedly saw her in Pegasi Sector KH-V c2-6, prior to her disappearance, but this has not been verified, and a fragmented distress signal has not provided significant clues to the possible location of a wreckage, or black box recorder. Though, given her presence within Thargoid systems, and no reports of a sighting in other human systems, the disappearance is believed to be tied to the invasion fleet.

Other anti-xeno pilots who were asked could not provide any information either, only able to express that her absence may be felt, as human forces are locally spread thin as it is, unable to yet achieve significant headway against the Titan's forces beyond keeping them contained. And, according to battlefield reports, Jana was capable of rivalling Basilisk and Medusa Interceptors even without the support of a nearby station for repairs, on one occasion making a key difference in bringing low a rampaging Hydra that had taken down dozens of ships on its own. Tales range from her triumphing with grandeur, to barely making it out of the encounter with an intact ship, highlighting the continued need, and rarity, of pilots with such skill.

A spokesperson from DaVinci Corp., one of the primary factions around and affected by Titan Raijin's presence, has said that they are unable to dedicate any search parties to the matter, while the bulk of humanity's forces are occupied around the weaker Titans, and due to the recent shift in Thargoid targeting to populated space. "We cannot make an exception for a single person, no matter how valuable they might seem, when our own people are in danger.", they stated, adding, "However, anyone capable is encouraged to look for her, and determine whether she was captured by the Thargoids or killed. A sizeable reward is available for any useful information or if you find her, as she has proven valuable to local anti-Thargoid efforts. If she was taken alive, hope remains to find her. If she was not, we extend our condolences to any friends and family."

Further updates to the situation will be provided when available. It is hoped that she was not taken captive by the Thargoids after her ship's destruction, but such a possibility cannot be ruled out. And even if the Thargoids succeeded in eliminating her as a threat to them, it is pilots like that who selflessly put themselves on the line to defeat the Thargoid menace, who give us hope. And why hope should not be lost, especially now, when the remaining Titans are on the back foot, finally allowing an end to the war to be in sight.
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