Logbook entry

Entry No. 1457 - The Path to My Fleet Carrier

18 Aug 2024Jimi daHell
Commander’s Log - Date: 3308-07-21

The galaxy is a vast, unforgiving ocean, swallowing countless dreamers, fortune seekers, and adventurers whole. But sometimes, for those daring enough to uncover its secrets, it offers a treasure of immeasurable worth. My treasure was a Fleet Carrier.

It all began on a remote planet in the Cemiess system. I was there to recover some rare artworks that had been lost during a conflict between two factions. The job was risky, but the pay was too good to pass up. While searching the surface for the artworks, I stumbled upon something far more valuable: an abandoned research archive of the old Imperial Engineers, hidden deep within the rocks.

In this archive, I found blueprints and access codes to a long-forgotten hideaway station in the Chona system, once used as a secret shipyard for the Empire's fleet. I had heard rumors of such places, but never did I think I’d actually find one.

I immediately returned to my ship and planned an expedition to Chona. The journey was long and perilous. Pirates and bounty hunters hounded me at every turn, but I remained undeterred. When I finally reached the system, the real challenge began: the station was well-hidden, and navigating through treacherous asteroid fields demanded every ounce of skill I had. But after hours of searching, I found it—a massive, abandoned shipyard station, concealed in the shadow of a giant gas giant.

The station was surprisingly well-preserved. Inside the vast hangars, I discovered several derelict ships and modules, but the true prize was an unfinished Fleet Carrier. The hull was intact, and all essential systems were operational, though the station had never completed the ship. Here was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

I contacted some old acquaintances—engineers, traders, and a few less-than-legal contacts—to procure the missing parts and the immense amount of Tritium needed to make the carrier operational. It took weeks to organize everything. Each jump through the galaxy was a risk, and each day brought new challenges. But after countless negotiations, skirmishes, and daring ventures, the carrier was finally ready.

When I stepped onto the bridge of my Fleet Carrier for the first time, I felt a deep sense of satisfaction. This colossal ship was more than just a tool; it was the embodiment of all my efforts, my determination, and my relentless pursuit of success. Now, with the carrier under my command, I could explore the universe on my own terms, lead my own crew, and write my own story.

Today, the Fleet Carrier is launching for the first time. Where it will take me, I’m not entirely sure, but one thing is certain: it will be a journey that legends are made of.

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