Logbook entry

Old Logs: 30MAR3283 (Tidal Lock)

19 Aug 2024Vasil Vasilescu
From the COVAS archives of the Always Lost, old logs from Vasil’s decades of wandering the galaxy occasionally find their way into the ship's current log feed, appearing like suddenly remembered memories. Though engineers tell Vasil the COVAS is overwriting newer logs to retain the old ones, he refuses to have the COVAS wiped and re-optimized.

::Incoming Message
FR: Rachael Halenui, Lead Engineer, Elysium Mining
SUBJ: Not Here

You probably won’t see this until you get back to Carthage, but I won’t be here to meet you when you get back. Sorry.

There was an accident at Angel Platform and I have to take a crew out to get it back in production. The primary plasma bore failed and all of the back-feeding plasma ripped the platform a new asshole. Somehow no one was killed, but Clanker and Mouse are in critical condition. Both are burned pretty bad and have scorched lungs from breathing in super heated gas.

The platform was a week behind schedule, which makes me wonder if someone skipped bore maintenance to avoid shutting down extraction in the main shaft. I hope that is not the case and that it was a freak accident. Gambling with everyone’s lives in order to meet a quota bonus is plain shitty. So is setting unreasonable quotas that force 12-16 hour days. Exhausted people make mistakes, and it was just a matter of time before something like this happened.

There is no way to get them back on schedule now. All we can do is get them producing to the point that they do not default on output and end up working for no pay.

The more I think about what you’ve said, the more I think you are right. I need a break from this shit show. It’ll take two weeks to get Angel Platform back online. I’ve scheduled six weeks of leave once that happens. I know you said that you'd take me to Emerald, but I don’t want a fancy vacation. Instead, take me with you on one of your cartography runs in the deep black. I just want to be alone with you, doing anything, or nothing at all.

I have not been able to get you out of my mind for the past few days, ever since Opera and I were doing geo surveys on Belus. You know how she is always listening to that fancy music and poetry stuff when she works? Something she was listening to made me think of us.

If I, in the agony of need, called to you
would you come
astride me
with fingers splayed on my chest
like starburst rays of ejecta
spreading out from lunar impacts?
I would come for you
whenever you desired
until exhausted by passion
and the gravity of our bodies in motion
we fell, locked into one another’s orbit.

Looking forward to being tidal locked up with you.

::End Message
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