Logbook entry

Episode 91 , Subtle Development

19 Aug 2024Ryuko Ntsikana

Episode 91 , Subtle Development

The commander of the Type-10 heavy transport was fidgeting with rage as he sat on the bridge deck, along with two other bridge members.

“This ship will be the last you pirate in your miserable life!”

A smirk formed on my face purely on its own. The little dog bark, nipping at the heels, that’s what Captain Fellows reminded me of. If I had a credit every time I heard someone say that, I would rival the President of the Federation in wealth.

“I’ve always been curious about this style of ship. I’ve seen many burn in front of me but never owned one myself. Be thankful I am not in the market to own yours!”

Fellows glared at me with increased rage in his eyes. “When the Frigh Gold Family hears of this they will hunt you to the ends of the galaxy!”

Tara turned to him, adding an amused tone to her voice. “This entire system, including all of the factions, has just enough people to make it interesting for us. Matter of fact I will message them myself to send their finest out here.”

Fellows spat at her and missed. “Their fleet carrier will burn your ships from the stars!”

“At least we will have some light to pirate you by,” Tara said with a laugh as she turned back to her duties.

I activated the cargo menu from the bridge panel, unlatching its doors, giving the Coteries access to all four hundred tons contained within.

“The cargo crew won’t let you take what’s in the hold!”

I laughed out loud at that boast, knowing full well that they dropped their sidearms the moment they saw us, along with four battle androids, coming down the gantry with our weapons raised. Each of them, to a person, asked to join us, and he probably knew it.

I eyed Fellows as I spoke into my helmet’s communicator. “Cargo is unsecured, fill your bays.”

The other two bridge crewmen never said a word or looked up at us. They likely had the same thoughts as their kin down in the holds below.

“We sent a distress call the moment you interdicted us. You can bet our fleet carrier is on its way!”

A smile crossed my face as I watched a horde of collector limpet drones flash by the large bridge windows, on their way to collect all of the cargo dumping out of the ship's hold. Nothing felt so good as taking the prize with no lives lost. He was pissed that his gigantic ship was taken by a small and simple Dolphin.

“Oh, you mean that dilapidated wreck my Dolphin passed about 3,000 light-seconds near your faction’s only outpost? That is the only place where you could berth this behemoth and from what I saw only one of their large hangars was operational, the others were offline and unlit except by the plasma torches I saw cutting away at them. Fortunately, my partner will issue a call on your behalf. Who knows maybe they may send someone with more cargo?”

Fellows spat again as I walked up and looked down at him. As he sneered I used my suit’s functionality to enhance my punch as I knocked him unconscious. “You’re mouth runs too much.”

Tara looked over at me, motioning with her eyes at the other two deck crewmen, who were both now smiling.

I turned my back on both of them, walking back over to the bridge display access panel to monitor the cargo reallocation operations. “Do with him what you will.”

Neither had to be told again at they immediately dragged Fellows form off the bridge, with an errant kick or knee drop taking place in the process.

“Don’t forget your brethren in the cargo area,” I stated before they left. “They will want their turn as well and appear equally enthusiastic.”

A smirk appeared on Tara’s face as she disconnected the datapad from the ship’s computer terminal.

“There’s the black-hearted pirate I came to know and love,” she stated with a pinch of dark humor added.

“Unfortunately I know his type. Once we were done he would have blamed it all on his crew and had them all executed or sold off as slaves after beating them. His fate will now be fair.”

“He wasn’t wrong about sending a distress beacon. I calculate our chances against any that might show up as being above average.”

Another chuckle escaped. “I calculate that no one will show for him or his. I’d imagine his fan club expands larger than the breadth of this ship.”

“So, we taking the ship?”

I shook my head. While a Type-10 would be an interesting addition it was an unnecessary one. A lot of credits and resources to spend on something that wasn’t really needed. Needs always outweighed wants.

“No, we don’t need it, but the crew can use it and make their own fresh start, or return from whence they came and give any story they like which will most likely be satisfactory enough for their employers.”

“Almost done here,” came Raven’s voice over the comms.

“Acknowledged. We have the data and will be departing shortly.”

The automated cargo handling system was already in full operation as Jabir exited the Python. At the far side of the hangar, near the elevators, he spotted Zaria, dressed in a simple gray utility coverall with matching padded boots. Her short-cropped black hair was combed to one side, making her look much like any other technician who served aboard the carrier. She looked around him as he approached, noticing the large amounts of cargo being taken from his ship.

“I heard you went on another joint raid as part of the Coterie. Looks like it was fruitful.”

“Damnedest thing I’ve ever seen. Disabling a Type-10 with a Dolphin,” Jabir replied, looking over his shoulder while running his hand through his own hair, matted from long hours wearing a Remlock suit helmet.

Zaria shrugged, stepping to one side with her arm outstretched toward the elevator.

“All about perceptions and placement. No one would consider a tiny Dolphin to be a threat. He does make a habit of using one to tackle the largest opponents. First a full-on installation, then a Type-7, and now a large, heavily armed, and armored cargo ship.”

Jabir shook his head as the elevator took them down to the lower level where a tram was waiting to take them forward to the crew areas. “You know, when he tackled that Type-7, I never saw him until he fired. He stayed right on its tail, burning away at its thrusters until they were wrecked.”

Zaria smiled as they walked out of the elevator and boarded the tram. “See, you have been learning. You have learned not to underestimate anything. You also know now how they will place themselves, but don’t forget, most pirates do not operate the same as he does.”

Jabir shook his head looking over at her. “No, most start firing while launching hatch breaker limpets, hoping to get a few tons of cargo while destroying the prize. Total morons.”

Zaria laughed at his blunt yet truthful observation of the obvious. “Yes, most of them are. But you have also learned something more important and that is the true power isn’t in getting the cargo but moving it once it has been taken.”

Jabir huffed, looking away in disgust as the tram slowed as it exited the hangar portion of the carrier and entered the crew habitation area. “I’ve learned about that and what motivates the clients who buy it from those who are allowed in this carrier’s brothel, but he hasn’t given me a chance to do it for myself yet.”

Jabir stopped as Zaria paused, lifting up her forearm communicator as they exited the tram.

“Ryuko, are you there?”

“Yes, how can I help you,” came the reply.

“Jabir would like a chance to fence this mission's cargo if you are ready for him.”

A few brief seconds of silence passed, and then her communicator buzzed with a reply. “About time he decided to step up. Meet me in my bridge office.”

Jabir’s eyes opened wide as Zaria began walking, letting out a short laugh.

“It’s all about perception and position. He has been teaching you the same way he was taught, through exposure and experience. Everything you have been exposed to has been to get your mind into a position to understand. The problem lies in your perception.”

Jabir looked at Zaria with a look of disbelief that changed to curiosity. “What about Lianna? I haven’t seen her on any of these missions.”

Zaria looked at him with an amused look in her eye as they walked down the long corridor.

“Everyone has to have a place to make this work. Ryuko doesn’t fence the goods but he has a fence. He has someone running the conjoined black market, the ship’s engineer, its helm, the quartermaster, you get the idea.”

They moved to one side of the corridor as others going about their duties passed them by going in the opposite direction. “Then there should have been more than the two of us.”

Zaria nodded her head, stepping around a couple of technicians and an android working on a piece of equipment they had taken from the ceiling of the corridor. “Once you two are done you will train others at your destination.”

The corridor branched into a Y configuration, with various shops and department entrances along both sides, separated in the center by rows of escape pods.“If you already know all of this why didn’t you teach us?”

Their pace slowed as they approached a single armored suited guard with a heavy assault weapon, standing to one side of a single elevator. “Knowing it and growing up in it with direct life experience are two separate things. A lesson only time will teach the two of you and those you teach.”

The guard eyed them both before reaching over with his free hand, touching a control. “They are expecting you,” as the door opened. Jabir was deep in thought for a moment, as the elevator began to ascend toward the bridge level.

“Doesn’t that run the risk of having those who learn becoming that which we teach?”

Zaria nodded as the door opened where another guard was waiting for them, motioning for the two to follow him, as they stepped off the elevator.

“Yes, and there are some who will. That doesn’t change the fact of how they operate or how this life operates. A color is a color regardless of what you paint it on.”

“So, what happens after I am done fencing the goods?”

Zaria looked at him out of the corner of her eye, an amused smirk forming on her face as they arrived at the bridge wing office door. The sound of additional magnetic clicking steps sounded behind them as Jabir turned to see Lianna approaching. “Hey, strangers.”
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︎4 Shiny!

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