Logbook entry

Logbook Entry: 2 - Back Again

19 Aug 2024RapFab
-Logbook Entry: 2
-Date: 19 AUG 3310
-Time: 07:38

-Beginning of Logbook Entry Recording

Huh...haven't made a log in a long, long time. Last one was --HOLY!-- 4 years ago. I'm beginning to feel old now. Anyway, a lot has happened since then. My fleet grew considerably, I made a lot of money and did a lot of stuff. Too much to recount now. To be honest, I probably don't even remember half of it. The biggest change from a reader perspective would likely be my better English. 4 years is ample time to iron out the kinks.

I feel like I'm getting off topic again.
Long past aside, the present time is already eventful enough. I just returned after a few attack-runs on Titan Thor, the third-to-last Titan we know off. Gotta admit, a few of those runs were really close when it came to the extraction, getting out of there. The last one was particularly close, made it out by just 1% of hull, I swear, you can't make that up. Due to multiple malfunctions caused by the Titan's EMP, I had pretty much no caustic sinks left. I was left with just two, one of which was already half-filled, to get out. Suffice to say, that didn't cut it. So I was stuck at the edge of the caustic cloud with a repair limpet only managing to merely slow down the acid. The only option I had was engaging silent running and firing all weapons I could in hopes of burning off the caustic acid. At this point I should mention, heatsinks? Nah, didn't have any of those left either. Luckily for me, it worked out. Caustic burnt off, imminent death avoided. I'll gladly take the module damage instead. The rest is history.

So... what now?
Good question! The Titan already began its meltdown and my friends are already off to the winds, ferrying some rich people between Bolg and Cornsar somewhere.
Oh right! Forgot to mention, I've made some friends now!
Ok, that sounds a bit sad, to clarify I DID have friends before but none who were active commanders.
They're relatively new. They left the academy maybe a little less than a year ago, and I'll tell ya, for one of the two--they are two by the way--I have no idea how they passed their flight-exam.

What else, what else?
Yeah, so while they're trying to become part of the top 1% of liners, I am currently again freelancing. My suits still need some improvements before I'd be comfortable taking them out into the black. This actually reminds me of another topic which I never put into a log. But that'll have to wait. Gotta talk to the mechanics before they complain to me again about the modifications on the life support systems.

With that, CMDR RapFab, signing out.

hey Victor, end Logbook Entry Recording

-Command received
-End of Logbook Entry Recording
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