Logbook entry

Logbook Entry: 3 - Longing for calmness

25 Aug 2024RapFab
-Logbook Entry: 3
-Date: 25 AUG 3310
-Time: 16:33

-Beginning of Logbook Entry Recording

The universe really is a beauty. I'm just outside Barnard's Loop--or inside it? Not sure where the line lies but that's not important. I made a few nice photos, maybe I'll upload them later. For now I'm just floating here, in space, with not a soul in sight. And even now, I still feel like I'm not far enough out... If it's already so pretty out here, just barely 1.500 light-years away from Sol, then what's it like even further? Seeing the galactic plane separating the system's star and Barnard's Loop from my perspective, with me in between, really does something for me.

It was a rather impulsive decision to fly out here. I originally meant to plan a small-sized expedition to this area. I just finished mounting some extra floodlights to Via when I ended up watching most of CaptainSkoomer's Strange World series. Those shots, those sights, made me long for peace. And before I was even able to notify anyone, I was well on my way. I didn't even care about scanning all the systems I flew through like I usually do. I just went straight for it, with nothing but a short visit to an abandoned starport in the Witch Head Nebula.

Can't say I'm surprised by my behavior. I spent the last couple of days bouncing from settlement to settlement to gather materials and data for upgrading my suits and weapons. In short: tiring and tedious work. It'd make sense I'd need a break, the fact that all that is preparation for a later journey doesn't help either--it only makes me more impatient, if anything.

In retrospect, I probably should have told at least Moradur about it. He's one of the two I mentioned previously. That kid just became Trading Elite, and only after a few days of trading. That's some dedication I admit. I mean... technically, I was the one who told him how profiting and hassle-free it can be compared to passenger missions... but he's got the spirit.

And what did I do? I bailed. I left him alone in Shinrarta while I traveled out here. Okay, it's not like he's a child, he'll be alright on his own. Still, it's not really nice of me.

*sigh* Anyway, for now I'm here. I'll make sure to apologize to him, if he even noticed I was gone. But for now I'll just stay here for a while. There's no planet in this system, and I really don't feel like jumping again today, so I'll have to sleep in zero-g. Gonna cherish this place before I head back home. Such a beauty deserves to be enjoyed. Was not expecting to get this personal... Anyway, I don't think I have much more to say.

CMDR RapFab, signing out...

Jefferson, could you end the Logbook Entry Recording?

-Command received
-End of Logbook Entry Recording

-Log Editor Opened
-Date/Time: 27/08/3310 | 19:52
-Image added: "Heart to Heart"

-Log Editor Closed
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