Logbook entry


Logbook Entry - Commander Roberta "Bobbie" Draper
Date: 3310-08-27
Location: Shosuke Hub Starstation
Ship: Type 8
Mission Status: Preparing for Exploration

I couldn't sleep much last night. My thoughts kept drifting back to Harvard Station and the possibilities that lie out there in the unexplored reaches of the galaxy. The more I think about it, the more certain I become that this is what I need to do. But if I’m going to make it that far—and back—I’ll need to prepare. I can’t just take off on a whim. Not when 14,000 light years of uncharted space lies ahead.

The ASP Expedition has served me well, but she’s not ready for a journey like this. Not yet. I’ve got a few hundred million credits saved up from bounties and missions over the years, so I’m not exactly strapped for cash. But money alone won’t get me where I need to go. There’s a lot that has to be done to get this ship ready for deep-space exploration.

First and foremost, I need to improve my Frame Shift Drive. The current jump range is decent, but decent won’t cut it when I’m aiming for the far side of the galaxy. I’ve been hearing about Felicity Farseer—an engineer with a reputation for working miracles with FSDs. They say she can boost a ship’s jump range by up to 50%. That kind of increase could make all the difference. I’ll need to reach out to her, see what it takes to get her on board. I know she’s not one to work with just anyone, so I’ll have to prove I’m serious about this.

Then there’s the matter of the Guardian Frame Shift Booster. I’ve heard rumors, stories from other pilots about this ancient tech—artifacts from a long-dead civilization called the Guardians. If the stories are true, a Guardian FSD booster could add another significant chunk to my jump range. But getting my hands on one won’t be easy. From what I’ve gathered, I’ll need to travel to Guardian ruins, fight off who knows what, and piece together the tech myself. It’s risky, but if it works, it’ll be worth it.

It’s clear that this isn’t going to be a simple upgrade job. I’m going to need to plan, to gather resources, to reach out to contacts I’ve never had to rely on before. This is a whole different kind of mission—one that requires more than just combat skills and quick reflexes. It’s going to take patience, strategy, and maybe a little bit of luck.

But I’m committed now. I’m ready to see this through. The ASP Expedition is going to be transformed into a vessel capable of reaching the farthest corners of the galaxy. This journey might be the most challenging thing I’ve ever done, but it’s also the most exciting.

For now, it’s all about preparation. I’ll start by contacting Farseer and getting the ball rolling on the FSD upgrade. After that, I’ll look into the Guardian ruins and see what I need to do to get that booster. There’s a lot to do, but the end goal is clear—Harvard Station, and whatever lies beyond it.

The stars are calling, and soon, I’ll be ready to answer.

End log.
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