Logbook entry

Returning Home

Date: 3310-08-31
Location: GM Cephei System
Ship: ASP Expedition
Mission Status: Preparing for Return to the Bubble

The past few days have been exhilarating—testing the ASP Expedition's capabilities, exploring new regions, and embracing the freedom that comes with being out here on the edge. The ship is performing better than I ever imagined, and with the upgrades from Farseer, it feels like the galaxy is mine to explore.

But even as I’ve been pushing further into the unknown, news from the Bubble has been weighing on my mind. The Thargoids are on the move again, hitting our systems with a force we haven’t seen in years. I’ve been hearing the reports—whole stations under siege, pilots scrambling to hold the line, and civilian casualties mounting. It’s a mess, and it’s only getting worse.

I thought that maybe I could stay out here, away from it all, focus on exploration and leave the fighting behind. But deep down, I knew that was a fantasy. The Bubble might be a mess, but it’s home. And right now, home needs every capable pilot it can get.

It wasn’t an easy decision, but it’s the right one. I’m setting course back to the Bubble. The ASP Expedition isn’t a combat ship, but I’ve flown in worse, and I’ve got experience on my side. I’ll link up with the anti-xeno forces and do what I can to push the Thargoids back. I know the risks—this isn’t just about defending territory, it’s about survival.

There’s a part of me that feels a pang of regret, leaving the freedom of deep space behind so soon. But another part of me is eager, ready to jump back into the fray. I’ve never been one to sit on the sidelines, and I’m not about to start now.

The Expedition is prepped and ready. Fuel tanks are full, systems are in check, and I’m ready to make the journey home. I’ll miss the quiet out here, the sense of endless possibility, but I know I’ll return to it when the time is right. For now, the Bubble needs defending, and I’m answering the call.

I’ve got a long trip ahead of me, but the drive is performing beautifully, and I should make it back in good time. When I get there, it’ll be straight into the fight. The Thargoids won’t know what hit them.

End log.
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