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Nidhogg's Migration [Towards Hawking's Gap] Log 02

02 Sep 2024DK-Ardok
With our exploratory mission, we've made some progress and hit a few snags. Nothing too major, as we are well. We had a series of firsts on our trip. One snag we ran into was that we did not communicate what we could get before we left. Unfortunately, one of us does not have a Deep Surface Scanner so that we can map planets. While he can hop on any one of our ships, he can get credit for things, like first discoveries and footfalls. As I said, minor snag and a bit of miscommunication. It happens at times.

Pro Eurl CV-S b31-0 was our third waypoint.

Because I was readily available, I wanted to share our exploration of the third waypoint system towards Hawking's Gap. Because exploration is something I've really wanted to do, I ventured into a neighboring system. It just so happens one of the systems had a blue star, which immediately caught my attention. Out of excitement after a series of discoveries from the Pro Eurl CV-S b31-0 system, I ventured into the Pro Eurl FC-M d7-39 system. There are 11 planetary bodies, two of which have one moon. Two planetary bodies were landable in this quad-star system. All planetary bodies orbited the third star of the system and were over 150,000 light seconds from the point of entry, after a jump. Naturally, I used my Supercharged Overdrive on my Frame Shift Drive to get to the third star and refuel with my scoop immediately. I proceeded to then do a Deep Surface Scan of all planetary bodies, then realized that the 4 landable ones had no first footfall. Planets C1 and C2, I claimed as well as the moons of C8A and C9A. I noticed after my Deep Surface Scans, that the moons had bacterial life and I wanted to share this with my team. Unfortunately, at the time, only Commander Icepaw was available. So we got into our ships and departed to the Pro Eurl FC-M d7-39 system once more to collect samples. We discovered Bacterium Aurasus - Emerald on the moons, I mentioned before.

Upon returning to the third waypoint system, I turned in all data and organic data to find to my surprise that I discovered a new species of bacteria and getting credit for both moons. Commander Icepaw saw some interesting things in the system that would pique their interest as well.

Because I was moved into exploration and did a lot of solo mapping and footfalls, I wanted my team to be recognized as well. So I encouraged Commander Icepaw to choose the next system. The Pro Eurl OK-W c15-0 system was chosen, as it was the closest to our third waypoint system. We found that this system was also discovered by others. Other than it being a quad-star system, there were only two planetary bodies. I insisted that Icepaw map out this system and get some credit. Other than this, the system was mostly unremarkable when it came to lifeforms and landability, as none of the planetary bodies appeared fit to land any vessel.

We then moved on to the Pro Eurl YO-U b30-3 system, another neighboring system. This binary system had 16 orbiting bodies as we observed from our FSS. Because no one wanted to get first footfalls on the unclaimed worlds, it appeared by the time we finished, we just wanted to get to the main event; to map out the third waypoint system and move on to our eventual fourth waypoint. Commander Icepaw got credit for discovering three different types of bacteria; Bacterium Acies - Cobalt, Aquamarine and Lime.

By now, Commander Akiraheaven was available to join us. Other than my accidental discovery of the orbiting bodies around the stars, Commander Icepaw got credit for scanning almost all the orbiting bodies. I took care of the planet that was stuck between three stars. The one labeled Pro Eurl CV-S b31-0 ABC 1. ABC 1 orbits around Stars A and B, which orbit around the center of the system. Star C has a closer orbit than the other two and Planet ABC 1 is further out, still. This leaves Star D in it's orbit alone, the furthest object out in the entire system. Most of the planetary bodies were landable. My team elected to only have one footfall for a team member. Because Icepaw and I did some exploration of neighboring systems, we elected to give the first footfall to Akiraheaven. His first footfall was his first ever at planet C2 within this system. Everyone in my team now has their name on this system.

Everyone now satisfied, we decided to move onto our fourth waypoint; Pro Eurl FD-I c23-3. Once again, we discovered that this system, a single-star system, was discovered by someone else. This person only mapped out one orbiting body out of the seven. Because I wanted my team to have their names on things more, Icepaw's name was on five of the orbiting bodies and me, only one. Unfortunately, because Akiraheaven lacks a DSS, he cannot obtain credit for mapping planets and moons.

When we gather again, we will venture onto some of the neighboring systems to see what we can find out here. I feel waypoint three gave us a lot to do and yet there's still a lot undiscovered.

Commander DK-Ardok out.
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