Logbook entry

From Ghosts, Thalax IV, and a fateful feast… a moment in the Imperial administration that history will later refer to as the Doomsday Dinner

03 Sep 2024Haraldsen
At the heart of the Imperial administration building in Capitol, where decisions were made on the affairs of the border regions, was a large hall richly decorated with banners and symbols of the empire. Enormous tapestries hung on the walls, depicting historical battles and victories, their colors glowing in the soft light of ornate chandeliers. Today, high-ranking military officers and politicians had gathered around a large, oval table made of polished mahogany for a sumptuous dinner. In short, everything was more than pompous and almost as usual, but there was a pent-up tension in the air and faces were full of concern as their owners quietly exchanged arguments during the dinner.

Suddenly, everyone flinched in surprise as General Marcus, a tall and imposing figure with a stern expression, slammed his fist on the table. His uniform was immaculate, reflecting his strict discipline and dedication. His piercing blue eyes blazed with intensity, and his square jaw was set in determination. "Let's finally get down to business and forget about this damn food! These NMLA attacks are becoming a bloody nuisance! By now they've hit several resource depots on the fringe worlds with their hit-and-run tactics. We can't keep ignoring this threat."

Senator Aurelia, a woman of regal demeanor and cultivated elegance, nodded in agreement. Her gaze was gentle yet determined, her whole demeanor exuded an aura of diplomatic finesse. Her raven-black hair was styled into an elaborate updo and adorned with a dainty silver hairpin that hinted at her noble lineage. High cheekbones framed her face, and her movements conveyed a sense of unwavering authority. “Indeed, General. The NMLA's tactics are reminiscent of the beginnings of their last rebellion. It is causing major disruptions to our supply lines and limiting resources we desperately need elsewhere, leading to discontent.”

War Minister Valeria, an elegant woman with a composed demeanor, sighed. Despite her calm exterior, there was a hint of frustration in her eyes. Her flowing, emerald-green gown contrasted with her auburn hair, which cascaded in soft waves over her shoulders. Her emerald eyes, usually serene, now sparkled with a mix of concern and indignation. "The NMLA thrives on chaos and discontent. They've always targeted the fringes, where our control is weakest and they could win support from the discontented. We need to strengthen our presence in those areas and cut off their support networks. If we don't act now, we might risk facing a full-scale uprising."

General Marcus nodded, his eyes briefly resting on War Minister Valeria's emerald-green gown. "Agreed. Additionally, we need to send a fleet to Thalax IV. The Empire has lost control over this remote planet very recently due to a rebellion, and they declared their independence, most likely set up by the NMLA. There are even rumors that the governor on Thalax IV was beheaded."

Senator Aurelia raised an eyebrow, her skepticism evident. "Thalax IV? Are we really in a position to divert resources to such a backwater area? Our forces are already stretched thin."

Admiral Thorne, a battle-hardened veteran with a stern face and piercing eyes, leaned forward. His presence commanded respect, and his voice carried the weight of experience. His grizzled hair and weathered skin told tales of countless battles some of which were fought against the NMLA in the past, and the deep lines on his face were a testament to his years of service. His eyes narrowed as he looked at Senator Aurelia. "We must act swiftly, we can't let them gain a foothold. That's a lesson learned. The longer we wait, the stronger they become. We cannot afford another prolonged conflict. The Empire must remain united and strong."

Senator Aurelia shook her head, her patience wearing thin. "Unity is important, but we can't ignore the logistical nightmare this will create. We need a more strategic approach, not just brute force."

Director Cassian, from Imperial Intelligence, spoke up with a calm yet intense demeanor. His eyes scanned the room as he addressed the group. His sleek, white suit and neatly trimmed beard gave him an air of meticulous precision. "Some of our agents attempted to infiltrate and capture key personnel of the NMLA, but they all failed. These agents were discovered and brutally eliminated in a very short time. The core of this group is zealous and extremely dangerous. We did not foresee their attack on the Emperor in Cubeo and were practically blind to the risk, as no one responsible for the Emperor's security expected attackers to gain the upper hand by sacrificing themselves in large numbers and overwhelming the guard through fanatical self-sacrifice. Contrary to public knowledge, the defense came at a very high price, and the attackers were almost successful. There are rumors that among this core and responsible for this attack might be a former member of Theta Group."

General Marcus glared at Director Cassian, his frustration palpable. "So, you're telling us that Imperial Intelligence is failing us? How are we supposed to fight an enemy we can't even see?"

Director Cassian defensively responded, his calm facade cracking slightly under General Marcus's intense gaze. "We're doing everything we can, General. But their tactics are highly unpredictable, making it challenging for us to counter them. Unlike other enemies, they don't hold territory or defend positions, which would give us a chance to corner them. They are like ghosts. Recently, a local governor on a distant fringe world was assassinated while traveling by a suicide bomber who seemingly came out of nowhere. To make matters worse, the plans for our Majestic class ships have been stolen. We assume the NMLA is behind this in both cases but cannot confirm that. Our top technicians are now assessing whether the stolen plans expose any critical vulnerabilities or if the design remains secure."

Senator Aurelia interjected, her voice cutting through the tension. "Enough! We need solutions, not finger-pointing or unproven assumptions and excuses."

Admiral Thorne's eyes narrowed at Director Cassian as he coldly responded. "Perhaps if Intelligence had been more proactive, we wouldn't be in this mess."

War Minister Valeria raised her voice, her frustration boiling over. "And perhaps if our military strategies weren't so outdated, we wouldn't be constantly reacting instead of acting!"

General Marcus turned to War Minister Valeria, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Easy for you to say, hiding behind a gown. Try leading troops on the front lines and then talk about outdated strategies!"

War Minister Valeria's composure slipped as she met General Marcus's challenging gaze. "Don't you dare question my commitment, Marcus. I've worked tirelessly to ensure our resources are allocated efficiently. It's not my fault if the military can't execute properly."

Senator Aurelia tried to mediate, her voice firm and her eyes pleading for calm. "This infighting is exactly what the NMLA wants. We need to present a united front."

Admiral Thorne's patience wore thin as he sarcastically remarked. "A united front? With this level of incompetence and bickering, it's a wonder we haven't already lost more territory."

Director Cassian remained calm, his voice steady as he addressed the room. "Let's get back to the issue at hand, please. Thalax IV may be a backwater world, but it has an industry capable of producing ships and weapons for the NMLA. If they keep control over its resources, they could significantly bolster their capabilities. This makes Thalax IV more important than it appears at first glance."

War Minister Valeria interjected, “Maybe we could ask ABEL for support. They have resources in that area and the technology and expertise it takes.”

General Marcus immediately countered, “We shouldn't owe someone like Victoria Hothis anything, now or ever. She's too ruthless and ambitious a person for us to owe her anything.”

Senator Aurelia nodded in agreement. “Hothis has already offered what she calls a ‘clean and elegant solution’ to our problem: the Dawnbreaker. But we all know her solution comes with a price to pay.”

Director Cassian added: “The Dawnbreaker would be very effective indeed, but the use of such a terrible weapon, originally designed for use against Thargoid worlds, would play right into the hands of the NMLA if knowledge of it leaked to the public. I shouldn’t need to remind anyone that we're talking genocide here.”

Admiral Thorne shook his head, his voice filled with disdain. “This is not a strategy but madness. Sure, with one decisive strike the rebellion would be over, but the planet would also be forever lost to the Empire.”

Senator Aurelia sighed, her voice softening as she looked at the weary faces around the table. "Alright, but we need to act. Thalax IV must be brought back under Imperial rule to prevent the NMLA from gaining a strategic advantage. We will send a fleet there, but we must also bolster our intelligence efforts and address the root causes of discontent on the fringe worlds."

General Marcus agreed, his voice grudging as he looked at the faces around him. "Fine. But we need to act quickly and decisively."

War Minister Valeria nodded, her voice resolute as she met General Marcus's eyes. "Agreed. Let's put aside our differences and focus on the task at hand - for the Empire."

General Marcus stood and saluted, his voice ringing with determination. "For the Empire!"

In unison, with renewed determination, everyone responded. "For the Empire!"
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