Logbook entry

Vulcan Gate Travel Log #1

05 Sep 2024WarpFactorSeven
After two full days of travel and a distance of roughly 18,000 light years, I've arrived in the Vulcan Gate sector. It took a little longer than anticipated, partially because of a hiccup in the atmosphere of a gas giant's moon. Luckily my AFMU was able to repair the damaged systems and I resumed my trip.

I'm still not entirely sure what I'm searching for out here. The sector is ripe with undiscovered star systems, so per usual I'm trying to be thorough in my scans. However, the life forms I've discovered so far leave much to be desired. I should be impressed at the fact they exist at all, but after scanning the same yellow weeds and bacterial blobs on half a dozen different planets, one begins to wonder how special they are. For now I'll keep collecting the data, as Vista Genomics seems to pay a premium for specimens on newly discovered worlds.

Perhaps I'll come across something interesting in the next few days.

CMDR Xiroth Dantar, signing off.
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