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A Dance with Destiny: Invitation

06 Sep 2024Haraldsen
Strap in, folks, 'cause I’m about to take you on a wild ride through the cosmos with a tale that’s got more twists than a spiral galaxy. I’ve got this Blackflight pendant, see? It’s not just any trinket - it’s the kind of loot that would make even the most seasoned space pirates tip their hats.

Now, I didn’t just stumble upon this shiny bauble. Oh no, it was passed down to me by a pilot who’d seen more action than a holovid hero. He looked me straight in the eye, handed me this pendant, and with his last breath, he says, “Kid, you’ve got moxie. Keep this safe.” And just like that, he was stardust.

They say the Blackflight’s got eyes everywhere, that they’re as ruthless as a black hole. Well, let 'em come. I’ve got a ship that’s as quick as a comet and a smirk that’s disarmed more dangers than my trusty sidearm.

So buckle up, space cowboys, 'cause with this pendant and my gung-ho attitude, we’re gonna carve a path through the stars that’ll go down in history. And if trouble comes knocking? Well, that’s just another chance for glory. Let’s dance with destiny and see who blinks first - I’m betting it won’t be me.

You lot are being worried of Hothis, huh? You should. Sounds like a name you’d find etched into the back of a space bar’s toilet stall. “For a good time, call Hothis.” But no, this Hothis isn’t peddling cheap thrills; she's peddling something far more dangerous. A project. A secret project. And not just any project - the kind that makes the galaxy quiver in its infantile hyperspace boots, and yeah, Azimuth, the bad guy from your neighborhood, is involved in that. Not much of a surprise, that one.

And I think this thing is about the flowers. When opposition is strong and casualties mount, they retreat from a system. When opposition is weak, they lay waste to everything in their path. Thus far we’ve held the line and bled them. Blasted a couple of titans to smithereens. That our own casualties are skyrocketing is irrelevant. But that is not enough for the likes of Hothis and Azimuth. They want to bring the war to the home worlds of the flowers. And that's what the project is about, I tell you.

And now you're asking yourself who I am. Information. Circles within circles within circles. Unraveling those circles is why we are here, true - but asking a woman to divulge everything like that`? Bad form. Very bad form. The Blackflight might have eyes everywhere. We will never be on the same page, you and I - but we will always be in the same book. That is all I can promise. And to drop you ONE hint how to find me - and that it is worth to rush for a new horizon you can't find in Sol.

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[Symbol Sequence: ☿ ♀ ♁ ?]
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And that's enough for you. That's already what they call 'spot on'. So here I am now, in a place that’s eaten more ships than I’ve had hot dinners, the pendant warm against my chest. But am I scared? Not a chance. This pendant’s got secrets, sure, but I’ve got charm and a blaster that’s never let me down. And I am about to prove just how much moxie I have.

You’re worried about a dance? In this galaxy, we tango with danger, waltz with the unknown, and sometimes, we sing and do a cheeky cha-cha with death itself. I’ve stared into the abyss more times than I can count, and I’m not afraid of shadows anymore. Let me be your Annabelle, by any other name.
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︎2 Shiny!

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