Logbook entry

All Up in a Hury

05 SEP 3310 - LOG ENTRY #3

Perspective is a helluva thing. One thing I'm constantly struck by is how your sense of speed varies, based on the scale. When you're out in the black, cruisin' at dozens a' times the speed of light, it can seem like you're crawlin' when your destination is thousands of light seconds away. Similarly, it can feel slow when you're slippin' down onto a planet from upper orbit. Times like those, you might find yourself wishin' for just a mite more speed.

You know what's a terrible idea? Kickin' on the Super-Cruise Overdrive when you're in orbital cruise. In my defense, I'm not the genius who decided to map the SCO actuator to the same switch as the sub-light boosters, but to my offense, that was still a bonehead move of the highest order.

Luckily, Lakon builds 'em tough. I'm not ashamed to admit I lost a little time and woke to blaring alarms and the smell of my own blood in my nose. My instincts musta been good, as I'd started jerking the throttle back the second I realized what the hell I'd done. This left me a minute to assess the damages and marvel at my own luck and stupidity while hovering well above the surface. I went the rest of the way at thruster velocity even though it probably would have been faster to slip back up into high orbit and kick the 'cruise back on, but I needed the time to recover my equilibrium. I gladly paid the thousands of creds to repair the ship, because it beat paying the insurance premium to pieces.

Guessin' I should probably take it easy a bit longer on my return to the black. I'm not going to go into details about why I spent so long planet-side, but suffice to say it's good to get back out here, and the Witness is obviously the forgivin' sort, or else I might have gotten to feel what bein' a pizza feels like.
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︎0 Shiny!

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