Logbook entry

Emerald Dawn Operations Report, 07SEP3310

07 Sep 2024Vasil Vasilescu
Emerald Dawn (V2Q-3HY), Tjiwang
As of 0637Z07SEP3310

Emerald Dawn has successfully relocated to Tjiwang at the invitation of Senator Torval. Though not directly under her control, the system, has an independent authority (the Natural Tjiwang Autocracy) which acts as a proxy for the senator’s interests. Emerald Dawn entered orbit above Tjiwang 1 at 2245 on 06SEP3310 and set operational mooring 13,100 km from the system’s primary starport, Black Dock.

Passenger berthing is at 56% capacity. No significant increase is expected due to unusually low activity from Titan Cocijo.

Cargo hold is at 27% capacity. Foodstuffs and medicine are the primary items being requested.

Tritium depot is at 100% capacity with 3700 tons in reserve.

When not required for civilian escort duty, AX flights assigned to the Emerald Dawn have been given permission to participate in the defense of systems under threat from Cocijo and the liberation of systems currently under Thargoid control.

Emerald Dawn continues provide priority refueling, re-arming, and field repairs to any AX fighters docking with the carrier.

Non AX security patrols have been increased due to concerns over system security being ineffective against coordinated criminal activity. All Emerald Dawn security patrols have been instructed to prioritize protection of civilian transports travelling to and from the Emerald Dawn. Requests from the system authority to assist with the apprehension of criminals outside of the Emerald Dawn’s immediate zone of control are denied.

Representatives from Senator Torval’s office will be arriving 10SEP for a tour of the Emerald Dawn. VIP staterooms have been arranged for the duration of their stay. They seem particularly interested in how we manage contract transfers when providing slaves for station and settlement repairs. I suspect they will be disappointed when they realize there is no hidden profit, no predatory contracting, and that ERS earned rather than purchased its Imperial Slave Association Class 1 license.

Captain Harlan Whitney
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