Logbook entry

Vulcan Gate Travel Log #3

09 Sep 2024WarpFactorSeven
The past few days have been a blur of excitement. For the first time in years, I spoke via long-range communications with several commanders who flew with me back in my early days as a pilot. We're scattered across all parts of the galaxy now, but hearing from them and sharing our latest discoveries brought a feeling of warmth to my heart.

As for my expedition into the Vulcan Gate sector, I think I can comfortably say I've accomplished my goal. A series of random route selections brought me to star systems teeming with forms of life I had never encountered before: giant bioluminescent gourd-like anemones, grey-brown cacti, and something oddly resembling Aloe vera to name a few examples. I eagerly look forward to depositing my exobiological data and reaping the rewards of these discoveries.

I'm now slowly making my way towards Colonia, making stops through the Temple and Orion-Cygnus Arm sectors. Parallax is in need of repairs and I find myself longing for the sight of a starport. But I imagine my stop there will be short. Strange new worlds await me in The Black.

CMDR Xiroth Dantar, signing off.
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