Logbook entry

Laying low

12 Sep 2024Uze
**Location**: Rim Systems, Outer Sectors

Today marked a tense escalation with a leading officer of the Empire. What began as a simple disagreement quickly evolved into a full-blown conflict. It’s becoming increasingly clear that my operations are attracting the wrong kind of attention from the Imperial Navy. Our differing views on how the galaxy should be run don't sit well with them, and neither do my growing ties to independent factions in the outer rim.

I've been laying low in the rim systems, picking up mercenary contracts to keep my credits flowing and avoid drawing further heat. These jobs have taken me deep into lawless regions, where every station and outpost is ruled by local warlords, pirates, or independent factions. It’s a dangerous but profitable endeavor, and the distance from the core systems has given me some breathing room from Imperial scrutiny. For now.

Conflict with the Empire seems inevitable at this point, and I need to tread carefully. Every decision could spark a fire I won’t be able to extinguish.

**Current Objective**:
- Continue mercenary work in the outer systems to build resources and alliances.
- Monitor Imperial movements closely.
- Prepare for potential escalation.

**End Log.**
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