Logbook entry

The Hunter

15 Sep 2024Mr_Spoopy_
*Alert: Evacuation protocols in place seek shelter immediately, Port under attack*

The alarms sounded muffled in my ears as I woke from my sleep. I barely made it to my feet when I was staggered by an explosion rocking the port. I didn't know what was happening "I Need to get to my ship" I thought as my ears continued to ring from the nearby explosion. I quickly grabbed whatever I could from my cabin worth anything to me and shook my head as to wake myself up and be more alert. I heard a groaning noise outside.. I thought nothing of it im too much in a hurry to worry about what I heard "Why wont my damn ears stop ringing?" I asked. "Computer! Status Update" I demanded into my suit as I urgently put it on.
Nothing just a bunch of buzzing static without a reply. Another massive explosion knocked me off my feet although this time it felt worse...I listened, The sound of glass shattering barely made it through to me despite the ringing in my ears. I Finished equipping my suit and put on my helmet and ran outside, I gasped as i opened the door to my cabin. Immediately I felt the rush of wind battering my suit There's not supposed to be Wind in here My eyes darted around frantically as I Searched for the cause.. I found it, The Orbis stations' Rings had been compromised. the ring next to ours had been blasted wide open and the pressure inside was quickly escaping into the void of space. I heard the screams and panicked chatter of nearby people.

*Alert: Evacuation protocols in place seek shelter immediately, Port under attack*

The automated voice repeated. There was no time, people where being pulled out into the vacuum of space...There was nothing anyone could do for them. "Computer Undock My ship and get OUT of the space port" I Screamed into my headset. *Acknowledged* My COVAS responded..."What the hell is going on?!?!" I asked.. Pirates would never be able to damage the station to this extent so what was going on? Immediately I Froze in place. There, looming above our heads was this...Thing.. I had never seen anything like it. A Green pulsating glow, Long tendrils and menacing spikes protruding from its center. A massive screeching sound followed by the groan I had heard before. It came from this, monstrosity. "I-I heard stories but this cant be" I said to myself. "Its a Hydra! Save yourselves!!" A man screamed. More panic sets in as I try to figure out what to do...The elevators wont get everybody out in time I wouldn't have been able to get out that way. I hadn't finished my thought when the Hydra launched several projectiles from its warped hull...Directly toward us, an explosion knocking everyone off their feet...and that was it, the second ring had been breached. The one I was in, everything went silent...then the pressure dropped as everything was pulled out into space...those not wearing suits died within seconds...My cabin, which wasn't much to look at in the first place, gone, torn apart by the pressure pulling it into space, my suit was all that was keeping me alive at that moment. I quickly switched on my beacon on my suit for my ship to locate me, I didn't have any time... It was every person for themselves and it was too late to help anyone now. I lunged myself into the vacuum using my suits thrusters to push me away from any large debris... The debris was glowing As I flew past I noticed the Caustic Miasma that was shot from the creature, thing, ship, whatever the hell it was. It was melting straight through solid beams as if they weren't even there...No wonder the station was crumbling so quickly...I didn't have much oxygen left in my suit I needed to get to my ship fast. I let myself drift away from the damaged station as I watched it being set ablaze. Two hydras where tearing apart everything they could while these smaller more nimble vessels in a swarm started destroying any ships trying to get in to the port or any attempting rescue efforts...They showed no mercy. They killed without remorse or hesitation, the stations defenses were no match for these massive alien vessels, they didn't even so much as scratch them. My ship wouldn't stand a chance either, I had never seen these things before, much less how to fight them and if they even could be killed.

I drifted through the black my oxygen running low when finally my suit beeped frantically,
My ship had managed to get out of the star port before the ship bays had crumbled sealing everything inside I told my ship to turn off thrusters and maintain itself stationary so I could get aboard. The U.S.S. Quantum... It wasn't the fanciest of ships nor the fastest but it was my ship that i scrounged the credits for and it was my little home away from home, or now my only remaining home as I watched the station burn behind me...My trusty, slightly beat up Krait MK2, I had bought it second hand as I couldn't afford a factory new one at the time and had been fixing it up and upgrading it little by little ever since, What could I say? I really believed the ship had a soul, even if it was a very stubborn one.
"Enough reminiscing about your damn ship Get Onboard NOW!" I told Myself as my oxygen meter was practically Zero, I managed to grab on to the railing to the back door of the ship...ya know That Door that everyone always sees but never uses? I got it open and dropped to my knees inside as the airlock repressurized filling the room with breathable oxygen as i yanked off my helmet gasping for air. "Thrusters ahead full" I demanded to my COVAS as I was catching my breath, I needed to get as far away as possible and make a jump, I dont even know where im going but I need to get Further towards civilization, It should be safer there right? away from these monsters destroying my home...Vengeance would have to wait, Revenge is no good to me if Im not alive to see it through. The other side of the airlock swung open as I stepped out. I got slammed into the wall of my ship as I ran towards the cockpit, I had been hit by whatever was attacking me outside.
*Warning under attack!*
*Warning shield breach attack taking internal damage*
*Warning Caustic Damage detected*
My computer would not shut up, alert after alert came through as I heard my poor ship groaning after being hit with what im sure was the same substance that was melting away at the station. "Plot a route to the nearest inhabited system NOW COVAS" I screamed.
I had barely reached my seat when another explosion rocked my ship.
"Damn it not like this, I cant Die like this not now!" My heart Pounding inside my chest, adrenalin flowing through my veins.
"Damage report COVAS"
*Shields at 15 Percent*
*Hull damage detected*
*Weapon systems Offline*
The damage report hadn't finished coming in when those swarm like ships flew at my ship!
*Warning Canopy integrity compromised*
"I can SEE that!" I yelled back as cracks began to emerge from the entirety of the glass canopy that surrounded the cockpit...These Kraits weren't the best at keeping the canopy from blowing out... I had so many close calls in the past almost having my body riddled with bullets after that canopy had breached a few times to many.
"Evasive maneuvers full pips to engines" I told my Computer as I started to boost and roll away from the swarm, seeing the two hydras destroying the station from the corner of my vision.
*Jump coordinates complete Hyperdrive engaged*
"YES" I screamed as I was almost to safety.
I celebrated too soon A loud screech from one of the vessels and then a wave of light...Everything started shutting down and my ship went dead...Adrift in space " NO NO NO NOOOO" I shouted as I was powerless to do anything but slam down on my ships console and try and reinitialize systems...I watched as I drifted...Everything I knew and loved being torn to pieces and I was Powerless to stop it. Then in the darkness of my cockpit only illuminated by the flickering lights of the damaged station I had made a solemn promise... A vow, If I survived, I would get my revenge if it was the last thing I do, I will kill those Alien bastards...and I want to watch them suffer as I Destroy them.
My heart was still pounding, my blood was boiling and as my ship was falling apart around me it finally managed to flicker back to life.
" COVAS Charge Hyperdrive NOW" I demanded
I slammed the throttle to full and and dove away from the next swarm that was chasing me.
i glanced at the HUD of my ship, I took even more damage when i was shut down, Shields offline, the sensors were shot auxiliary thrusters were non-existent. Hull Down to 23% and falling due to the caustic damage, My ship was giving its all to stay alive, "Come on Quantum dont let me down...Please" I Begged as the hyperdrive was almost done charging up. The swarm right on my tail trying to take out what was left of my engines.
With one final boost i got just enough distance as I heard the familiar countdown to Hyperspace jump coming from my COVAS
My ship rumbled as i jumped into faster-than-light speed. I made it...barely, I slumped down into my chair and I felt myself blacking out. I set course for the nearest star port and set out a distress beacon... warning all that nearby systems were under attack and that I needed immediate assistance...

I closed my eyes... and that's all I can remember from that day... Its hard to believe that it happened so long ago... Every day since then I have been fighting to become stronger... Bringing in countless bounties and wrong-doers to justice to make the money I would need for my rightful vengeance on the Alien Scourge...I know what they are know...all these years later... and I know how to Hurt them... and I am coming for them...and my Retribution Will be Swift and Righteous ... and they will learn to fear the name "Commander Spoopy" When I am done with them. I Will have my vengeance... And I Will make up for the countless lives lost that day and all other days because of these monsters.
We Will Push them out of our Home

*End of Log*
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