Logbook entry

Logbook Entry #1

17 Sep 2024Cmdr Tovera
CMDR's Log #1

17 SEP 3310 - 12:00 UGT
Location: Out in the Black
CMDR Tovera

Damn! All of my previous log files are gone! I'm not sure what happened... I've been out here for so long, I hardly know what'g going on any more. Since I left my FC about six months ago, I have been working my way back to the bubble and my home base. I have traveled 51,610 LY still have 8,166 LY to go before I'm finally home in the bubble. I don't know how many hundreds of jumps I have made, and the countless planets scanned, it's all just a blur to me. I'm starting to question my sanity.

A friend of mine is supposed to be saving me a bottle of Centauri Mega Gin. My existing stock ran out months ago, and I'm down to drinking the swill from the food replicator. You'd think they could make these thing produce a decent drink...

I keep going thinking of the wealth I'm accumulating due to new systems discovered and the many new exobiology scans I'm bringing back with me. Gotta get me a new ship. I'm getting really tired of this Anaconda. Although it does the distance, it just isn't any good for exploring planets.
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︎0 Shiny!

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