Logbook entry

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17 Sep 2024CMDR Lord Nyrox
CMDR Lord Nyrox Logbook
Date: September 17, 3310

Distance Traveled: 567 Light Years (15 Jumps)
Bodies Scanned: 263
Mapped Planets: 5
Scan Value: 1,777,324 credits
Organic Data Value: 181,149,000 credits
Systems Discovered: Several

Today’s journey covered 567 light years in just 15 jumps. I conducted 263 scans and mapped 5 planets, earning 1.7 million credits in scan value. The organic data collected added a significant boost, bringing in over 181 million credits. Of the systems I traveled through, one stood out with an impressive 61 bodies – a rich system full of planets and celestial objects, making it a noteworthy find. Several new organic species were also cataloged, adding to the thrill of exploration.

The Mercator remains steadfast as I press on toward my Fleet Carrier.

End log.
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