Logbook entry


18 Sep 2024Jav Marlo

After almost dying because of the explosion of the Titan Taranis, commander Marlo was brought to Abel Laboratori by Ayumi. There, professor Palin managed to reboot the Guardian technology on commander Jav Marlo’s chest. After his recovery in Arque, commander Marlo, not feeling fit to face another Titan, is trying to make himself useful to the war effort by exploring the wreckage of the Titan Taranis.

25 MARCH 3310, Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6, wreckage of the Titan Taranis

This is a log by commander Jav Marlo for professor Ishmael Palin.

The caustic cloud has dissipated and we have visual on the wreckage. No hostile activity. We are approaching. The pain in the chest I feel whenever I am close has disappeared. Even the humming I hear when there are Interceptors around has gone. I only feel a void… a big deep void.

The Xenophon approaching the Taranis wreckage

The Titan is torn apart… into hundred pieces, many of them bigger than the Xenophon. Finding those Titan Drive components Achilles Aerospace is seeking won’t be easy. I am taking a closer look to one of the biggest hunks.

The Xenophon approaching one piece of the Taranis wreckage

I do not see any distinguishable part. The sensors neither cannot find any element to target… Wait… I see something emerging from behind… it is… it is… an Orthrus… an intact derelict Orthrus. I am going to take the risk and take a closer like. I never had the opportunity to seeing one so close. Amazing. I wish I could tow it back. The things we could learn.

The Xenophon inspecting an Orthrus

We might have better luck flying towards the asteroid field. The sensors are picking up clusters of elements. We better take a closer look… wait… something is wrong… there is something alive there… SCOUTS… there are scouts still active… just a bunch of them. Nothing that the Xenophon multi-cannons cannot handle.

The Xenophon engaging some scouts

Threat neutralized. Scanning the fragments… There you are… a Titan Drive component. I am syphoning it and heading towards Bloch station. Let’s see what Achilles Aerospace can do with it. I am very curious about that Frame Shift Drive prototype they claim to have been developing.

Jav Marlo signing out

The Xenophon scanning a Titan Drive component
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