Logbook entry

Back Home on the Fleet Carrier, time to Return to the Bubble and Engage the Thargs

20 Sep 2024Cristina Gomez
After months of solitary exploration in the far reaches of the galaxy, I've finally returned to Heaven's Fall, my trusty Fleet Carrier anchored in the Ratraii system. As I guided my Anaconda, the Deep Space Explorer, into the docking bay, a wave of relief washed over me. The familiar hum of the carrier's systems and seeing some of my squadron members docked and drinking in the bar made for a sweet experience.

My journey through uncharted space yielded incredible discoveries - from Earth-like worlds teeming with potential life to bizarre stellar phenomena that defied explanation. Each day brought new wonders, captured in countless logs and sensor readings aboard the Deep Space Explorer. But as I sifted through the backlog of messages and news from the Bubble, my heart sank. The Thargoids, our relentless alien adversaries, had launched an assault on Shinrarta Dezhra itself.

The decision was clear - it's time to chart a course back to humanity's core systems. As much as the explorer in me yearns to continue pushing the boundaries of known space, duty calls. Our squadron needs to regroup, retrofit our ships for combat, and join the defense efforts. I've already begun plotting the long journey home, mapping the most efficient route through a string of neutron stars to boost our progress.

As I make final preparations aboard Heaven's Fall, I can't help but feel a mix of anticipation and dread. The peace and solitude of deep space exploration will soon give way to the chaos of interstellar war. But I take comfort in knowing that the skills honed during my time in the black - quick thinking, resource management, and adaptability - will serve me well in the battles to come. Today, I begin our voyage back to the Bubble, ready to face whatever challenges await us in defense of humanity's future among the stars.
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