Logbook entry

Episode 108, Gifts

22 Sep 2024Ryuko Ntsikana

Episode 108, Gifts
Lemmy’s Rock, HIP 96456 system

For all the dust in the asteroid field surrounding them, Lemmy’s rock’s bar was unusually clean and well-lit. No one was allowed admittance without first cleaning off the fine particles clinging to their suits; those who refused were relegated to the hangar bar with the unamused dock workers.

Ryuko sat alone at a table near the reinforced window, staring out from behind his helmet’s mirrored faceplate at the endless expanse beyond. His suit’s drinking tube was connected to a flask on the table, though he hadn’t drunk much. The blend was fine and smooth, but his thoughts were on tomorrow, not on savoring the present. His reverie was interrupted by a group of large, suited men escorting a woman—middle-aged but still attractive—over to his table.

Proven Madelyne Sweet of the Prime Spade faction stopped in front of him, her smile polite but curious.

“Is this the one who made a mockery of Flora?”

Standing slightly behind her was her personal guard, Cameron Shannon, who gave a slight nod. “I’d say it was deserved, too.”

Madelyne laughed lightly. “I don’t doubt it. Someone needed to put her in her place.” She turned to Ryuko, her smile broadening. “Perhaps we can talk more peacefully?”

“Nenazken zara,” came the mechanical-sounding reply from the figure, his visor still fixed on the stars beyond.

Madelyne’s smile didn’t waver, but she glanced at Cameron, who managed to keep his face stoic.

“I’ve heard you understand this language. Let me guess—did he just call me annoying?”

Cameron nodded. “More or less. ‘Zara’ means ‘you’ in this context, and ‘nenazken’ means ‘annoying.’ So, yes, ma’am, he finds you irritating.”

Madelyne chuckled, studying the figure with interest. “I did some research after what happened to Flora. I should be thanking you, really. My sources tell me your people vanished among the stars, like grains of sand. A fitting look, this nomadic tan outfit.” She gestured toward his attire. “I’m not here to annoy you but to see if you need materials, commodities, or straight credits.”

The hooded, mirrored faceplate tilted up slowly, looking directly at her. “Behar dudanean, eramaniko dizut.”

Madelyne arched an eyebrow at Cameron. “That one?”

Cameron’s lips twitched as he spoke. “Rough translation: ‘When I need, I’ll take.’”

Madelyne opened her mouth to respond, but a new voice interrupted.

“Ah, so this is the mysterious stranger that has everyone buzzing.”

The man who approached was old, his face etched with the lines of hard years. Bright yellow hair and beard contrasted sharply with his white eyebrows, his eyes glazed with either exhaustion or some stimulant. Ryuko recognized him instantly—Lieutenant Roman Hogan.

“Zarpia bezala iruditzen zara,” Ryuko murmured.

Cameron tried to stifle a laugh, but a small sound escaped. Roman’s eyebrows shot up, his curiosity piqued. “Do I even want to know what he said?”

Madelyne’s smile froze, and she turned to Cameron. “Translate, please.”

Cameron wiped a tear from his eye, his grin irrepressible. “He said... you look like a peacock.”

The guards behind Madelyne chuckled, and she fought to keep her own smile from widening. Roman glanced down at his garishly colored suit, realizing the truth in the insult.

“Quite the sense of humor,” Roman said dryly. “I’ve heard about your handiwork at the prospective facility. Effective, but your methods leave a trace for those who know where to look.”

Ryuko inclined his helmeted head slightly. “Bai, wilt ty xos?”

“What do you want?” Cameron translated, his smile lingering.

Roman glanced out the window, his gaze following Ryuko’s earlier focus on the drifting asteroids. “People like us don’t deal in limpet drones and mining lasers. We know what we want and how to get it. My only question has already been asked by my underling.”

“When I want to, I will go,” Ryuko replied, this time in the common tongue.

Roman’s smile widened. “Tomorrow, then. We’ll talk.” He leaned in slightly, his voice dropping. “Enjoy the finest this place has to offer.”

Without waiting for a response, Roman turned on his heel, his entourage falling in behind him. Cameron lingered for a moment, nodding at Ryuko with a hint of respect before following the others out.

Ryuko returned his attention to the view outside the reinforced window, taking a slow sip from his drink. The asteroid field stretched out before him, a sea of drifting rocks and hidden dangers. ‘Now we’re making a name for him,’ he thought, ‘and soon we’ll carry that name back.’

Tara entered Ryuko’s bridge wing office, where the entire group lounged—everyone except in Ryuko’s office chair. In the center of the room stood a large vertical container, flanked by Tzafrir and Captain Akio.

Tzafrir’s smile was broad as he patted the container, his eyes gleaming with pride. “Ryuko has a gift for you. Took him two solid days and nights of trouble and toil to get everything the engineers needed to make it work.”

Tara tilted her head, scanning the container from top to bottom. “Shall I process the variables of this suspenseful moment, or would you prefer I wait for the reveal?”

“I’m the one who’s jealous,” Captain Akio interjected, his hand resting on the container with a reverent touch.

Zaria rolled her eyes and stood, stretching before she joined Tzafrir at the container’s side. “Just open it. The suspense will kill us before anything else does.”

Lianna and Jabir exchanged curious glances, watching the scene unfold, no clue of what lay inside.

Tzafrir and Captain Akio stepped back as Tzafrir pressed a button on the side. The front of the container split open, revealing a pristine Dominator combat suit painted in a flat, military sand color.

Tara moved closer, her critical gaze taking in every detail. “Impressive. Enhanced battery capacity, extended jump pack nozzles for more boost, additional ammo slots, and graphene-carbon nanotube-infused ceramic armor—excellent damage resistance.”

“Wait until you see the weaponry that comes with it,” Captain Akio added, pressing a second button. The backside of the container opened, revealing a meticulous arrangement of high-grade weaponry.

Tara ran her hand over the suit’s breastplate, then moved around to inspect the weapons.

“Enough firepower to level a settlement,” Zaria remarked, her voice tinged with excitement. “Looks like Ryuko’s expecting things to heat up.”

Lianna and Jabir stepped closer, their curiosity piqued as they surveyed the weapons. Tzafrir took a step back, his smile widening.

“Everything’s Grade 5 engineered,” Captain Akio said, his tone like a proud parent’s. Tara pulled out the first weapon, an Aphelion laser rifle, turning it over in her hands before raising it to her shoulder and sighting down the length.

“Nice. Scope, audio masking, noise suppressor—no one will hear where the shot came from. Looks like it’s been tuned for greater range, too.”

Tzafrir pulled out the second rifle, his eyes gleaming. “Check out this beauty—a Manticore Executioner plasma sniper rifle. Larger scope than the Aphelion choked barrel for longer range and silent firing, customized grips for faster handling.”

Tara placed the Aphelion back in the container and picked up a Karma L-6 handheld multi-rocket launcher. “I’m seeing a pattern here. This one’s got baffles to reduce its sound signature, and a secondary gas system to fire rounds at high velocity before their motors kick in, extending their range. Plus, it’s got a catch-feed system—automatically reloads if you need to switch weapons.”

“I imagine that’s for when you have to pull this,” Captain Akio said, lifting a carbine case from the container. “Manticore Oppressor automatic plasma rifle. Same choked barrel as the sniper, counterbalance for stability in full auto. Silent, fast, brutal.”

Tara placed the rocket launcher back, then opened a box at the bottom. “Wow,” Lianna breathed as Tara picked up the Manticore Tormentor. A sleek, powerful plasma pistol with modifications matching the rest of the arsenal.

“That thing’ll melt a hole through a bulkhead or heavy armor,” Jabir whistled, leaning closer to inspect the large pistol. “What’s he expect us to fight out here, Thargoids?”

Tzafrir chuckled. “No. Something more dangerous... usurpers.”

Tara’s eyes lingered on the weaponry, then returned to the suit. “He’s planning for something big. This isn’t just preparation—it’s a statement.”

Zaria nodded. “He’s sending a message. He knows what’s coming, and he’s making sure you’re ready to answer it.”

Tara smiled faintly, a rare glint of determination in her gaze. “I’m ready for whatever’s coming. I’ll put these to good use.”

Tzafrir nodded, his voice warm with approval. “We knew you would be.”
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