Logbook entry

CMDR'S Log 27

25 Sep 2024CMDR Eric Vonsa
06:00 Universal Galactic Time
Location: Stolen DBX, Tian Command Point, Smei Tsu A 7 b, Smei Tsu System
CMDR Eric Vonsa POV

"Lakon, Sigma, Theta, Alpha. You are cleared for Pad 01." The ATC announced. I acknowledge the transmission as I bring the DBX down to the pad. I disembark and make my way through the settlement. My contact is waiting next to a small structure by a exterior terminal. "Commander." They say as I approach. I merely incline my head in acknowledgement. "Does it have it?" The contact asked. "It does indeed. And I am not a fan of the handling of the ship. Like almost every Lakon I have flown it maneuvers like a brick with rockets strapped to it." I said. They laughed. "And that is why Gutamaya vessels are better. Though I do agree that Delacy Vessels work a lot better for those in our careers." They added. "But, I can potentially see myself adjusting to that with time and with some engineering I could make more useful than it already counts be. I want to keep it." I said. "I'm going to admit that I am slightly disappointed that you plan to keep it. I was hoping to get to fly it back to HQ. But, that's part of the deal we made with you. The ship is yours. I'll get it stripped from the records and registered to you. Any name you want me to register it under?" They said. "Register it as the L.L.V. Hubward. With the ship ID as 528-EV. And register it to a Commander Eric Vonsa." I said. "Same ship name and ID as your previous one and the exact same name as your previous name with an A added to the end of the last name? How creative, that is sure to keep you under the radar for long." They responded sarcastically as they handled the details. "Well, why would a person of my skills use a almost exactly same name? They would know better. And that is why it will work, especially once the smokescreen begins and I can get myself established." I said in response. "I hope you are right about that. Anyway, you are good to go. I'll report your information back to HQ." They said. "Thank you." I said. I turned and strode back towards Pad 01, where the DBX, L.L.V. Hubward waited.
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