Logbook entry


30 Sep 2024IAMDOC
I guess I found my answer.

I must have walked most every inch of the station searching for a next step. Being ignored by the rich diplomats, seethed at by some rebel punks, and given a small birth by the common people is nothing new to me. But having a little girl come grab my hand? Yeah, that was a new one. She lead me back to her mom, a crumpled mess of a woman in the corner of a viewing room. Anna, the mother, was barely able to speak. I sent her daughter Kathryn to fetch some water and food with my cred chip so we could talk. Revived by the nutrients she laid out her story.

I'll summarize it here: Traveling from their home planet on a once in their lifetime vacation, they had little other than food and clothing on hand when they were interdicted by a pirate. The pirate Michael Millard wasn't satisfied with their savings of 5k creds and decided he'd take their lives as well. There was only one escape pod. Anna climbed in, holding her daughter to her chest, and escaped. She watched from the small window as he opened fire on their ship, destroying it along with her husband. She was picked up by a Federation vessel and brought to Dutton, but with no money she's been begging for scraps for her daughter.

I've stripped the Gray Fox bare. I hate seeing my Sidewinder like this, but it has to be done. I have just enough to purchase the Eagle Mk II, outfit it for combat, and pay for the insurance. I put Anna and Kathryn in a cheap room paid up for the week, and the station rep told me more about the pirate. Michael Millard is the lord of the Purple Pirate Clan over in Jambojai. Its not far, just over 6ly away. She's offered me 184k credits to confirm a kill on him, and I'm more than happy to oblige.

I can't bring back Kathryn's father, but I can make damn sure the scum never hurts anyone again. Guess they were right, "once a soldier, always a soldier."
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︎1 Shiny!

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