Logbook entry

Time Flies

02 Oct 2024IAMDOC
It’s been a few days, almost feels weird to write again.

I’ve stayed local, taking out the Purple Pirates wherever I find them. HIP 96402, HerniMara, Ts’ao Hii, Tembala, and no Avan. Each system in these parts is flush with bounties on pirates, and even the pirates who don’t have an active bounty here are wanted somewhere else. Easy pickings with my new ship.

I’m flying a Cobra MkIII now, bought it after a few more bounties and outfitted it with Beam Lasers and Multi-Cannons. Fixed the power draw problem as well and man are these thrusters nice. Haven’t been outrun once in this thing. No name yet, never have been good with those.

I have a new problem though, a yearning I can’t turn off. I want to stretch my legs again. Not on some space station with artificial gravity, but on a real planet. I want to breathe air that doesn’t come from a can and feel a sun on my face. I don’t miss dropping out of the back of ships and sprinting into oncoming fire, but I miss the weight of my rifle on my back.

Maybe I’ll find someplace nearby, a planet with an outpost and some bounty or mercenary work to be done. A man’s gotta eat, and I only know how to do one thing.

Doc out.
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