Logbook entry

Lesson Learnt!#Entry:0002

03 Oct 2024Hammiz64
02 Oct: Anoter busy day with profits, fun & unfortuantly, a lesson learnt!

The majority of the day was spent hauling silver from station to station, making a tidy profit for 3 jumps. After a few rounds of the days work, running the same trade route as I have recently, I was Interdicted & Killed by piarates! That sad incident happened in ICZ BQ-Y d110 a jump on the current route. I was happily floating through space then this A**hole NPC had spotted I was hauling 720T of Silver! This time I was unsucessful in fighting off interdiction & waqs subdued! I foucused all power to systems & engine but soon realised that my shields were butter to a hot knife! My shields dropped in an instant, chaffs were launched but my hull had begun taking damage! As I booted & attempted to run, an unlikly event in a Type-9, my shields managed to regen! Horah! However this was a short lived hope...My FSD was ready, my shiphs computer Leo *cough* Holly *Cough* began the count down, 3, 2 and as 1 was to be announced, boom! My sheilds were done & my hull ripped to shreads. I was destroyed to the sum of 30mill!

After the resulting loss I decided to make some changes & preperations for when this next occours! I would not repeat the same mistake! Thakfully I had been invited to an engineer called Lei Cheung, a man whom offered to reinforce my shield generator! As I had previously met this engineer I had already met them & greased the wheels with a small but not cheap 200T of gold! I quickly nipped to a near by station that offered good outfitting. I swappedmy pitiful 6E sheilds out for a more appropiate 6A! I then flew to Trader's Rest, Laksak to meet with the engineer.

Location: Trader's Rest | Laksak
Distance: 119.35 Ly from Phiagre

Landing at Trader's Rest I quickly realised that this was a mountainious planet. Yes, it's a planetry landing. After being called "heavy" by the docking systems & flight controller, I handed over control to my docking computer & quickly checked my materials for crafting. Talking to Lei Cheung, he kidly agreed to engineer my Shield Generator to level 4 Reinforced & also offered me acces to level 5! Sadly I did not have the correct materials for this, another day! The days engineering had booted my shields from around 130 to 325! With more to come I hope my shields will now withstand a bit more damage & crate the time for me to escape with my presious cargo!

After upgrading my ship I earnt more Cr trading silver in peace. I then logged & took a break. Once concluded I met up with CMDR Goruden Wulf, an aforementioned friend & Officer in Ghost Legion, for some bounty hunting. We met on L.F.V. Acropolis (KBG-NHZ), CMDR Goruden Wulfs FleetCarrier, as it is close to where we have been very sucessful in bounty huinting in the past. This location for the FleetCarrier is sadly also very clost to the plant. Making geting down to the fighing zone a pain! Unfortuatly the pirates were hiding that night as we only managed to earn a mill each. Thin pickings. We head back to the L.F.V. Acropolis (KBG-NHZ) and logged.

CMDR Signing Off.
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︎3 Shiny!

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