Logbook entry

Senator's Personal Log 04 (after Senator log 03 and before CMDR'S Log 28)

10 Oct 2024CMDR Eric Vonsa
08:00 Universal Galactic Time
Location: Senatorial assembly, Capitol, Achenar System
Aurora's POV

"Senator Aurora Quinta Rebia, of the Prism System. This assembly is gathered here today to hear your answer for why Commander Eric Vons, whom you employed as your pilot and chief of security, was found deceased by federal security forces at a planetary port after infiltrating and assaulting the complex. If you haven't yet been informed. The Imperial Diplomatic Service has managed to smooth things over with our federal counterparts. At least for now." Chancellor Blaine announced as he called the assembly to order. "I am aware." I answered. "Are you also aware that he has been convicted of the charges of double charges of treason, double charges of attempted assassination against you, one charge of actively working with the thargoids, and other illegal actions, post mortum?" Blaine asked. "Yes. I am." I answered. "I am also aware that these charges ar-." I paused temporarily, then continued. "Are true. To an extent." "How so?" Blaine asked. "I-" I interrupted myself as a small sharp pain spiked in my head. Maintaining my composure to the best of my ability I went to answer. The memories of my last conversation with him flowed through my mind and then they disappeared as quickly as they came. Replaced by an alternate set. "I trusted him. He was an integral part of my staff. And most of the things he has been charged with did happen." I answered. "Do you have any proof that he was not behind these acts?" The question came from Senator Torval. "I don't have solid proof, no. But I trusted him. He... he never had really given me a reason to doubt his loyalty. And he followed through on any tasks I set him." I answered. "Did you authorize him to carry the assault on the Federation Port?" Torval asked. The question took me off guard for some reason despite it basically being the reason I, and everyone else in the closed assembly today was there. The alternative memories rushed forth. Flashing before my eyes. Eric Vons taking the call in private, Eric Vons approaching me after the call. Him telling me that he was done. Him turning to Tetco, his crew mem-, or was it his 'Imperial Servant' as he preferred to refer to those who were Imperial Slaves by, and having a brief conversation with her about something I was unable to overhear. Him leaving the room alone. Me asking Tetco what he said. Her claiming that he just said goodbye. Me turning and heading out after him just to reach the pad too late. A brief fight over a communication channel about him commiting dereliction of duty. His response of "I am sorry this had to happen. Tetco is in your service, My Lady." Followed by his final statement to me before he finished charging his FSD and jumped out of the system closing the communication channel. "Remember, truth is subjective, malleable, things aren't always as they appear." "No, I didn't authorize that act." I answered clearly. "So he adds dereliction of duty to the list of charges he is convicted of?" Torval asked. "Yes, he did commit dereliction of duty twice. He admitted to it." I affirmed. "Very well. Senator Aurora Quinta Rebia your participation in this assembly is over for today. You may go anywhere you normally would here on Capitol. However, you must remain here on Capitol while this investigation is being completed. You are not to interfere with this investigation in any way. Everything said in today's assembly is to be kept confidential." Emperor Arissa Lavingy-Duval spoke up looking at the other senators as she finished making it clear to everyone that the last part didn't apply only to me but to everyone else in the room as well.
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