Logbook entry

CMDR'S Log 28

11 Oct 2024CMDR Eric Vonsa
06:00 Universal Galactic Time
Location: L.L.V. Hubward
Cmdr Eric Vonsa POV

It's been almost a week since Oya went supernova. The efforts from Anti-Xeno Forces have switched their attention to Titan Hadad. Oya went down with no systems remaining and it appears that the same plan of taking control of all of Hadad's systems is the plan. Comm channels have indicated that certain AX groups are working on other Titans at the same time and dividing their pilots. Although admirable I personally don't care as much for this method but they all have compelling reasons for doing so. That said there's still the systems that were controlled by Taranis and Leigong that remain under Thargiod control. I have noticed that there's a small group of AX pilots who are working on clearing these systems out. I don't think they necessarily belong to any specific AX Group, but rather that they are a small group of AX pilots who probably are from multiple groups and want to see those systems removed from Thargiod control. I have decided to join this small effort. If effective, we then will no longer have to worry about these systems causing trouble and traders, among other pilots, having to route around them. Anyways, it's going to be a few weeks before any attack attempts on Hadad would even be viable. Additionally, getting these systems cleared out will free up more resources that can then be effectively utilized on the other Titans and their systems instead of having to monitor and should the need arise launch a containment operation.

On a different note. The scandal that was created by Eric Vons continues. I hate that I had to take the actions I did and put Senator Aurora Quinta Rebia through everything she has to deal with. It is the best option that was available to us at the time. Although, regrettably she won't see it that way. At least not yet. I haven't abandoned my duties completely either as the majority of her staff is being replaced by loyal imperials vetted by both me and the Imperial Intelligence and the Imperial Internal Security Services. This process is able to happen faster at the palace with her out of the system and in Achenar. Pulling all these strings from a distance is all part of the deal. So far, I think I got the better end although when this is over I will have hell to pay. Thankfully, the details of the scandal have remained off of Galnet, however, there are some Imperial news feeds such as the Imperial Herald, Eye on Achenar, and The Imperial Citizen, that have picked up the story although they all are primarily working off of rumors that are purposely being seeded to the media by Imperial Intelligence as the investigation and the hearings are being conducted in the Senate behind closed doors. Those Senators who attend the sessions from other locations are using an encrypted relay network that was recently upgraded to be more secure. The information the media is getting however, is more than enough. Currently, Commander Eric Vons has been charged and convicted of numerous different crimes. The whole point of this is to drag his name through the mud. To make it easier for me to establish myself and convince those who were after me that I am not Commander Eric Vons by establishing He is dead and ruining his reputation in the process. While it's not exactly my favorite smokescreen method. It is, has been, and will remain an effective option for providing me the cover I need to establish myself whilst flooding the intelligence crew of my pursuers with tons of mentions of Cmdr Eric Vons and giving them an unfathomable amount of data to sort through. A haystack, that I, as the needle with a very similar name, can hide in completely unnoticed until I retake my post. At least, that's the best outcome of the plan. The more expected outcome involves them knowing that I exist but not being able to make a move on any of us without confirmation that both the list and Tetco are in one place. Even when I do return to my previous post. They won't be able to be certain I have the list. Just that a Commander Eric Vonsa exists and is the Senator's new chief of security and pilot. And the only person who definitely knows where the list is is me. Or as far as anyone who is aware of the existence of such a thing and the capabilities it would grant them knows, Cmdr Eric Vons, a confirmed dead man has taken that secret to the grave. Even those in the Empire who are helping me pull all this off and know about the list don't know where I have it stored. Just that I have it.
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