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Encrypted Intelligence Report (After CMDR'S Log 28)

13 Oct 2024CMDR Eric Vonsa
//Incoming Transmission...
//Encrypted data detected...
//Analyzing Encryption...
//Applying Algorithms...
//Decrypting Data...
//Decryption Complete...
//Accessing Files...
//Access Granted...

Your recent report on the activities of the group Operation Wych Hunt in the Xi Wangda system assisting the faction known as Sanctuary in a successful push to expand their activities out into other systems while initially dull has revealed that there are some communication with Azimuth and Black Flight in the system.

You are receiving this message because we have picked up an encrypted data stream from those who we positively identified as being with Azimuth to others they know. Those people then sent a similar data stream to others. Then were sent a response. We managed to crack the encrypted data and forwarded the transcript of the communication with this message. Make sure when you keep your ear to the ground it doesn't get you killed, yah? I don't know the whole scope of what you are involved in but I know lots of things are relying on you.

//Transcription beginning...
BF: "We really shouldn't be recording this."
BFC:"I know. But the higher-ups in Command over here want a record for this report. So long as our encryption holds up we're fine. It's going to be a short conversation anyways. The chance of compromising operational security is minimal."
BF:"Fine. What do you want to know?"
BFC:"Has the asset been found?"
BF:"Yeah, it's with the Senator."
BFC:"Good. And the CMDR?"
BF:"Confirmed KIA, and their reputation is being utterly destroyed according to Imperial news outlets. That Senator is probably wishing she never met him."
BFC:"Pfft, yeah. And probably that she could kill him herself. We know Someone brought them together months ago. Whoever's responsible for that remains unknown. Their inside man on the bridge that day. Shooting the Senator? It was a bit much. Way to risky for my taste. "
BF:"I heard that they were executed."
BFC:"They were. For collaboration with the CMDR on that. Accessory to murder, Conspiracy, Treason, and attempted assassination of a Senator. According to Imperial News I've seen."

BFC:'Anyway, The List."
BF:"Location unknown."
BFC:"Damn. We need it before we can even attempt to seize the asset again. Especially with every attempt resulting in a major security increase."
BF:"Speaking of that. It seems like the asset doesn't know anything about it's status."
BF:"It appears from long distance observation that the CMDR modified the memory of the asset. Most likely with the list. That means they probably modified the Senator's memory as well with the more conventional means we sometimes use so she doesn't give the asset a reason for suspicion."
BFC:"A reasonable precaution. Especially if they planned on returning."
BF:"Yeah, I have heard chatter about a Eric Vonsa joining Lavigny's Legion. We checked into the lead but it appears that they have always existed and are just a close family relative to our primary target. But we can't be sure that's actually true. The whole smearing of CMDR Eric Vons name isn't helping. The CMDR, if he is still alive, couldn't do this alone. He's got friends sir. Powerful friends."
BFC:"Understood. Did he show up?"
BF:"No. The whole push he wasn't there. Either he's laying low or he's truly dead."
BFC:"He wouldn't turn down a chance to lay into Azimuth. Not after everything we've done."
BF:"Sir, could he been a part of a organization that works in the shadows? Maybe something like the Children of Raxxla? We already know he ran with Operation Wych Hunt when they opposed the Proteus Wave."
BFC:"If he is it would certainly be a great explanation. But that is all just speculation at this point. Anyways, you have given me enough information. This should be enough for the higher-ups. At least for now. Your objectives remain the same."
//Transmission Ends...
//Automatic transmission to Intelligence secure servers initiated...
//Transmission upload complete...
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